Obviously, we can't get enough of Halloween around here. We're taking advantage of the cooler weather and the season pass Papa allowed us to purchase this year - and headed to the zoo again.
We arranged for the rest of the gang to meet us there Tuesday afternoon.

While waiting on Lilly and John, Lane and Andrea did some dancing - entertaining passers-by.

And a little yoga. A good day at the zoo requires some beforehand stretching.

We've been to the zoo enough in the last few months to know what we like - and what we should just skip.
The flamingos are still a big hit with Lane - and I think he'd be content to stay right at the entrance and watch these birds bathe all day long.

In my head, Lane's telling his besties, "Hey guys, do like this. Lift up your leg and you can do the flamingo too."

Lilly and her friend Lorelei came as well. All day long, I kept thinking Lilly looked different. More grown up, maybe.
Once I got home, I realized it is the bangs. She got a haircut. I think she looks adorable with bangs.

Another big hit at the zoo are the lion statues. Lane showed all his friends how to roar and roam amongst these beasts.

We always visit the parakeet house. Lane always screams, "Freeze, birds." They never listen.
Jackie paid the buck for John to buy a seed stick and he attempted to feed the birds. No luck at first.
Then Jackie figured out the trick.

Check out the bird flying right in to John's face. That's an action shot.

Lilly opted to eat the seed herself. She either had a very healthy diaper the next day or the opposite. Her mama will have to let us know how that worked out for her.

These two, well, we can't take them any where. Seriously. They tired of the birds quickly and found another way to entertain themselves.

After the birds, we visited our other favorite areas: the panda house, the stamps at the panda house and the eatery.
Quickly, we all got tired.

We've all said it, "Here, insert baby's name, I'll ride in the stroller, and you push me."
Jackie's lucky to have such a gentleman for a son.

He honestly gave it his best shot.
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