Friday, April 30, 2010

Lane in action

The photo looks worse than the fall.

Actually, this stunt isn't a fall at all.

It is just Lane's way of removing himself from that chair.

When he hit the ground, he stood up right away, brushed his hands together, and continued on as if he had not even taken a tumble.

It is Friday, and we've got a lot to do to get ready for the weekend. So, I'll leave you with a few photos of Lane in action.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Celebrating Pop's Birthday

Yesterday, Lane and I postponed our usual Wacky Wednesday playdate so we could go to Hoschton to celebrate my dad's birthday. We decided to meet up with my mom and Damian at the park to play while Pops was still working.

While we were there, we met this dog, who likes to go down slides as much as Lane. And D conquered his fear of heights by going right to the chain ladder, climbing up and going down the slide without even asking for help or telling us he was going to do it.

Lane (and his filthy face) could not be left out. He wanted to be like his older cousin and climb too. Soon, very soon.

There was lots of climbing, lots of sliding and lots of swinging. D loves to swing "to the moon," and Lane was in the mood to swing with him yesterday. The two of them spent lots of time swinging - and being very good boys who shared the swings with the other kids at the park.

There might have been one minor little incident that sent D to timeout. But, just that one. And, he was a good boy sitting in timeout waiting until he could play again.

Lane must have felt sympathetic for his older cousin because he climbed in his stroller and took a timeout too. Or, maybe he was just protecting his grilled cheese and french fries. I'm going with the second choice. The kid takes his food pretty seriously.

Even if D did have a few minutes in timeout, he is still one of the cutest little boys I know. Just look at that face.

He even shares his water with his Cousin Lane.

And patiently holds the cup so Cousin Lane can drink.

I brought my camera with me so I could get a birthday picture of my dad with all three of his grand babies but it just did not work out that way. Two little boys are too much fun and neither of them stay still for very long.

I think he will enjoy these pictures of the two of them playing, though.

And, I could not leave out the newest member of the family. You know who she is by her signature red toes. This week, they have sparkles and white polka-dots.

Pretty little Madelyn.

I only got a few pictures of her because when she is around you don't want to just look at her. You want to look at her. Tickle her little toes. And tell her how pretty she is. If she is awake, you can guarantee someone is holding her and showering her with compliments.

Happy birthday, Dad. We all love you. And, one day soon, we will get that picture of you with your babes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Pops

Happy Birthday, Pops!
See you this afternoon so we can celebrate.

Lane Thomas

P.S. I have been trying to call you all morning but I can't quite figure out how to work my mama's phone.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Confessions of a bad mom

I have a confession to make. Last week, Lane learned he can pull the chairs surrounding the kitchen table away and then use them to climb on top of the table.

When I caught him on top of the table, I got my camera - to take pictures for you.

I thought it would be pretty funny to play a game. Kind of like, "Can you guess where Hoo is?"

Show you these photos and then tell you, "He's on top of the kitchen table, of course!"

A few days later, the short hair jumped on to the table after dinner. Papa got the camera to take some photos. We laughed and laughed. Then, I had a brilliant idea.

Let's go get Lane, let him crawl on to the table and take pictures of both of them on the table.

I did. He did. He laughed. We laughed some more. And, took pictures for all of you to see.

These are the confessions of a bad mom - and papa too. He was in on it this time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wacky Wednesday

This week, the Wacky Wednesday play date was as wacky as one can get. First of all, we didn't meet on Wednesday. (See post below!) We didn't play with the Weasel. And, John Oscar didn't make it.

We did meet yesterday so the besties could enjoy the beautiful day outside. We decided to take advantage of the cool yet warm weather and meet at our meet-in-the-middle park.

Andrea even brought along her two older cousins, AnnaBella and Haylee.

AnnaBella and Haylee hanging from the monkey bars.

Andrea had to give it a try too.

When I look at this picture of Lane, I see a mini replica of James. I've never seen a picture of James at almost 17 months, but I'm pretty sure he looked like this - minus the blond hair and chub cheeks.

Loving this picture of AnnaBella. Has to be one of my all-time favorite photos.

I think I take this same photo of Lane every time we come to this park. One day, I'll gather them all together.

AnnaBella had to give it a try.

She made it.

Our little mamas helped watch over the babes all afternoon. Lane might look a little annoyed but he loved it. As soon as Haylee would put him down, he's smile and ask for more.

Taking breaks to act a little goofy.
And in my memory bank, Tatiana will forever look like AnnaBella does in this photo.
Because in my mind, Tat is still five years old!

It does not matter where we go, I always manage to come home with this exact same picture of Andrea and Lane.
Don't you wonder what he tells her?

Loving these babes of ours and looking forward to weekending. ....