I'm just a little more than a week behind. So, let's work our way back to week 29 of Bro Bro's pregnancy.
The boys & the bump at the pumpkin patch.

To celebrate Stephanie's last day of maternity leave, or mourn it in my case - I miss having her around during the day, we took the boys to the pumpkin patch last Tuesday.

We looked all around in search of the perfect pumpkin - little ones.

Big ones.

Oh, there he is - the perfect plump pumpkin.

The signs read, "Don't pick the cotton." Good thing Lane can't read yet. He picked a lot of cotton.

Stephanie's mom was in town to visit her boys and keep Preston for the week. So of course she came along with us.

Drew kept all of us laughing.

Lane kept picking cotton.

And because there is an unspoken rule: If Drew does it then Lane has to do it - there was this weird game of climbing in the pumpkins.

Here's the best part about the trip. At the patch, there are a few animals on display. A goat, a baby cow, a sheep, some baby pigs, some chickens and a turkey.
During our first trip to the patch, Lane found his way to the animals before any one else. When I went to check on him, he was chatting it up with a deer (baby goat) and talking about the deer's (baby goat's) horns.
Yes, my not quite two year old is fully aware that deers have antlers. Have you met his father?

Here's the funny part of my story. Each night, James and Lane go down to the basement to visit deer. Deer is the deer head that hangs in the back room of our basement. James shot Deer many, many years ago.
Lane loves him.
After visiting with Deer, James and Lane will pull out the bird calls that reside in the basement as well. I believe we have a crow and a duck and a turkey call.
While I have been reading Lane his Old Macdonald book and teaching him turkeys say gobble gobble, James has been teaching Lane a real life lesson without even knowing it.
As Lane stood in front of that turkey last Tuesday afternoon, I heard actual turkey sounds coming from each one of them. A full on turkey conversation.
It is official. I'm raising a mini James - the only two year old in Cherokee County who knows the actual sound a turkey makes.
He makes his papa proud.
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