Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Really, I could continue with this for another month.
I have so much to be thankful for:

amazing friends
my cozy Cape Cod
food in the fridge
unbelievable parents
a big bed with warm sheets

the list goes on and on.

Today, on my last day to officially give thanks,
I am thankful for this blog
and all of you who read it.

I started thinking about it today - how glad I am that I started this silly blog.

It has been here to track those first few months of motherhood.
You know, when I was so in awe of Lane
and so very tired.
When I had no clue what I was doing
but knew I loved doing it.

I've shared so much with all of you.
Memories of my pregnancy with Lane.
Personal revelations.
Reflections on infertility.

It is great to have this online journal to look back on and see how both
Lane and I have grown.

Most of all, I'm happy that I have the simple memories recorded.
You know, moments like today when Lane and I rolled around on the kitchen floor after he came in from a rainy outside.

This boy makes me laugh.
I'm not sure if I will remember simple moments like these.
But, this blog makes that possible.

I'll always have the photos and the way I felt at that moment recorded.

I'm not sure if Lane will ever care about this blog.
If he'll ever look at it or read it.

I wonder if I'll come back to it long after I've stopped recording my thoughts.

However, today I'm thankful for this blog so I can record the simple memories,
like baking brownies together to take to preschool tomorrow morning.

So he can celebrate turning two with his teacher and classmates.
Two years of our life with Lane.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Since I bought his very first pair, he has had some as part of his wardrobe.
They are kind of his signature "thing."
We've gone up three sizes since that first pair.

You can't imagine my delight when his bestie showed up for a play date at the park sporting her own pair of hand-me down red high top Chucks.

Call me crazy, but there is just something about a babe in red tennis shoes that makes me smile.

Us mamas were pretty sure our babes were the cutest ones at the park that afternoon.
We continued to talk about how cute those two looked for days after.

I hope my babe will continue to let me dress him in red shoes for at least a few more years.

Today, I am thankful for Lane's little red shoes - and all the memories we've made while he wears them.

Friday, November 26, 2010


We're opposites in every way.
(Except that we both like root beer.)

We love to pick on each other.
(Him picking at me more than me picking at him.)

We've made each other pretty angry at times.
(We've also made each other laugh pretty hard at times.)

I'm proud of the man and father he's become.
(Even though I've never told him that.)

Today, I'm thankful for Michael, my little brother.
My one and only sibling.

Happy Birthday.

I love you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today, I am thankful for my life.

It is not the life I imagined for myself at 18.
Or 21.
Or 25.

I never became an editor at a glossy home and garden magazine.
I never moved to a fast paced city.

I don't dinner at fancy restaurants.
Or dress in designer clothes.

But, here I am now.
Wife to a loving husband.
Mama to the most amazing boy I've ever met.

I have learned how to enjoy the simple things:
like play dates at parks, snuggling with the one I love, and cooking in the kitchen of my cozy Cape Cod in the suburbs.

I've been blessed with the love of a trusting, respectful, hard working man.
I've been given the opportunity to mother.
Most importantly, I've learned how to put others before myself.

Oh, that's so much better than the life I imagined back then.

On this day to give thanks, I am grateful for all that I've done, all that I have and all that I've become.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Today, I am thankful for our besties -
and how fate has brought all of us together.

Who could have ever imagined that after many years I would reconnect with my own childhood best friend.
What are the chances she too would be expecting her first child - due just five days before Lane?
And - just a few days after Lane's birth, Andrea's cousin John Oscar would be born.

Three babes - three weeks in a row.

Watching them grow together over the last two years has been one of my life's greatest joys.

Happy birthday Andrea.
We love you.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


At our house, we call it snuggle cuddles.

Papa and I never pass up the opportunity to take some whenever he's willing to hand them out.

For the last few days, each morning, we've been climbing on to the couch, covering up with the warm brown blanket and spending a good 30 minutes together: snuggle cuddling.

Perhaps it is because he can sense a change ahead and he needs this time with me.
It could just be coincidence.

Or maybe it is because he knows I need this time with him now more than ever as I prepare for the birth of my second babe.

Whatever the reason, today I am thankful for our morning snuggle cuddle sessions -
just me and my babe.

Monday, November 22, 2010


There wasn't a cake or candles.
I didn't get dressed up and go out for a fancy dinner.

But, I did have a surprise visit from my brother, who was on this side of town working.
Breakfast at Waffle House with him, Papa and Lane.
A fun morning at Mama and Me class with my favorite boy.
A nice afternoon nap, which are a must again for this pregnant mama.
And a quiet take-out dinner at home with my loves.

Today, I am thankful for my 33rd year - every thing about it - and the upcoming year of my life.
I bet it only gets better.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Today, I am thankful for the beautiful colors of fall -
and the opportunity to have my family photographed among them.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Today, like every day, I am thankful for him.
My Lane.

The boy who made me a mama.

Most of all, I am thankful for his health.

The last few days have been rough on me as we tried to figure out what is causing a nasty cough in my babe.

I watched him endure two separate breathing treatments.
He never once cried.
Never once tugged at the mask.
He was a brave soldier.

The next day, I watched from outside the room as strangers x-rayed his little chest.
He held strong.
Didn't cry.

I wanted to.

After each doctor visit, I sat in the car and let myself.

I cried because I was so proud of him.
I cried because I was a little scared.
I cried because my heart aches for parents who have to watch their children suffer with illnesses.

I don't believe any parent should ever have to see their child in pain.

For the many reasons I am thankful to have my son in my life, today, I am most thankful for a healthy babe.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This time has been a totally different experience than the first.

I've lacked energy. Experienced first trimester blahs. Been sick.

Yet, I still feel beautiful.

Three years ago, I was told I might not ever get to experience this blessing.

Now, my own body has grown two boys in two years.

I love looking down and seeing that bump.
I love feeling my babe move around inside of me throughout the day.
I love how Lane will ask for Bro Bro, lift up my shirt and give my belly a kiss.

I love being pregnant.

And I'm oh so thankful that I've been given another opportunity to carry a child.

Monday, November 15, 2010


It took BOTH of us a few weeks to get used to the idea of four hours a day, twice a week, of Lane at school.

Some days were harder on me than they were on him. And, I have to admit that early on I wanted to put an end to it.

We both stuck it out. For that I am thankful.

The little guy loves going on Monday and Wednesday mornings. He gets to see his friends. Play with other kids. Sing songs. Eat crackers. And, comes home with stamps on his hands.

He's learned a lot. So have I.

I use those eight hours each week to relax, straighten up around the house, run errands and go to my doctor appointments.

It makes me feel good when he grabs his school bag and heads to the door.

I feel even better when I see his little face as he walks out the school's door, holding his teacher's hand, toward our car.

I get giddy inside.
Like I've got a school girl crush.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Today, I'm thankful for the all the local parks in our area.

That's where we go when we need a change of scenery, have a little break in our day or want to hang with our friends.

You can't put a price tag on going down slides, kicking up dirt, throwing a ball, enjoying the outdoors and burning off some energy.

I think Lane will agree that our local parks are better than any toy in our playroom.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Here's the post where I make a big admission on my blog:
every other Wednesday, we have someone come to clean our house.

She scrubs our bathrooms, waxes the hardwood floors, vacuums the carpet, makes the kitchen shine - and overall brings us happiness.

It is a treat I bestowed upon myself when I was a working woman.

After I became a stay-at-home mama, Papa and I made the decision to keep this expense as part of our budget.

Papa takes care of the outside of the house. I take care of the daily upkeep: laundry, sweeping, wiping counters, dishes, picking up toys.

We let someone else do the hefty work.
That means we have never once fought over the division of the chores.
We have our weekends and evenings free to spend time doing things we enjoy - not cleaning.

And, I have more time for important things:
like making cookies

We're so thankful for Tito.
She makes our house a happy home.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It seems she's always under my feet.
I'm pretty sure she's part of the reason I'm constantly sweeping the floors.
She sneaks her way in to our bed each night - hogging the covers and half of the space.

The babe loves her.
She makes us laugh.
She's never once retaliated when Lane pulls her ears, grabs at her cheeks, tugs on her tail or slaps her around.
(All of which happens hundreds of times a day.)

And, she's always willing to help me with the dinner dishes.

With all that said, I sure am thankful the short hair lives here on Allison Drive with us.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I've been down and out for more than a week with the funk. And, when I say down and out, I mean down and out. As in - did not leave the house for five days; did not leave the bed for three days; did not even take a single picture last week.

I'm feeling better, and for that I am thankful. Inspired by some other bloggers, my goal is to post an entry each day for the rest of the month reminding myself and others of the many things I have to be thankful for.

I am thankful for this man: my husband.
Since the day I met him, he's been nothing but kind, gentle, patient and respectful toward me.
He's made me a better person.
He's made my life better.

Last week, he took over all of my responsibilities, while still taking care of his own, and cared for our home, our child and me.

I remind myself to thank him each day.
Sometimes I forget.

I try to show him how much I appreciate him all the time.
Sometimes I am lacking.

As I told him the other night, love isn't a strong enough word to describe how I feel for him.

I am so very thankful he chose to spend the rest of his life with me.

I am so thankful he loves me.

Have you told your spouse how thankful you are to have his or her love, lately?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kissing Kylie

On the preschool front, things are going really well. While on our October Beach vacation, Papa and I really began to talk up school: explaining that big boys don't cry when they go to school. We talked about playing, coloring, music class, the other kids in his class and Ms. Tracie.

Lane no longer cries when I drop him off at school and is able to stay until 1:00 without getting overly tired. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons, he fills us in on all the things he did during his big boy morning at school. Including how "he didn't cry."

I've started picking him up in the carpool line - now that I know each day is a good day. However, two weeks ago, I went inside to speak to the teacher and make sure all was well. I got a good report for the day and learned that my little flirt has a thing for the only girl in his class of four.

According to Ms. Tracie, she had to close the bathroom door because Lane and Kylie kept going inside the potty to kiss and hug.

Uh, huh.

That evening, while eating dinner, we asked Lane what he did at school that day. As usual, he told us he didn't cry, he showed us his super star stamps on his hands and talked about coloring.

"What about Kylie," I asked him.

"I kiss Kylie," he replied.

Last Wednesday, Lane's school held a Halloween parade and each class hosted a party for the parents to attend.

I showed up early to get a good spot so I could see my little football player in the parade. Then we went back to his classroom to decorate sugar cookies, eat Happy Meals and watch the kids play.

And see my little flirt in action.

During lunch, Kylie and Lane took a break so they could smooch.

After lunch, Lane admired himself in the mirror.

He is the most handsome boy in his class.

Before leaving, he did show me that he is learning more than how to love on the ladies and self confidence - showing me the letters on the consonant poster hanging above the little red couch.

I felt reassured as we drove home. Lane's enjoying himself. We're getting our money worth. And, hopefully, he's learning some things we haven't taught him at home.

Academic wise that is.

I'm pretty sure the kissing girls and conceitedness comes naturally - just two more traits he gets from his papa.