I don't think there is anything in this whole world that makes those two happier than each other.
Friday, October 29, 2010
I don't think there is anything in this whole world that makes those two happier than each other.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Boo at the Zoo
We arranged for the rest of the gang to meet us there Tuesday afternoon.
The flamingos are still a big hit with Lane - and I think he'd be content to stay right at the entrance and watch these birds bathe all day long.
In my head, Lane's telling his besties, "Hey guys, do like this. Lift up your leg and you can do the flamingo too."
Once I got home, I realized it is the bangs. She got a haircut. I think she looks adorable with bangs.
Jackie paid the buck for John to buy a seed stick and he attempted to feed the birds. No luck at first.
Then Jackie figured out the trick.
Quickly, we all got tired.
Jackie's lucky to have such a gentleman for a son.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Pumpkin party
I've always loved this time of the year: cool air, delicious food, a reason to decorate around the house and special holidays.
I've found that this year is better than any other in the past because Lane is around to enjoy all the season has to offer too.
With papa gone late last week, we hosted the besties at our place and threw a pumpkin party.
Besties were welcome to enjoy some treats, play in our big yard - and of course, were encouraged to come dress in their Halloween finest.
John Oscar arrived a little late. Somehow I missed his up close shot. I'm sure it is because he went right to the backyard to play with the others.
The four babes enjoyed the season's bounty of leaves, sticks and dirt - found naturally and for free right here in our own yard - and kept themselves occupied until lunch time.
We served chili - the perfect fall food.
I'm not saying Martha should quit her day job or anything, but watch out girl, you might have some competition.
At one point, we sent a text to my mom, "Our version," with the photo above. Martha's version. My sweet mom said she couldn't even tell the different. That's why you gotta love your mom.
Any way, the kids didn't care what it looked like. What mattered was how scrumptious it tasted.
And it tasted good. Just ask John Oscar.
They will tell you. Lane liked it so much, I couldn't even get a shot of him gobbling it up.
And sweet Lilly, she thought those ghosts were good enough to eat.
So she did.
We headed out to the front steps to get a group shot. Not so easy when you've got a tired crew of four under two.
None the less, another fun day was spent with the besties. At this time of the year when life is all about celebrating the harvest and what you've got, Lane and I are happy to have them.
Back to the patch
The boys & the bump at the pumpkin patch.
During our first trip to the patch, Lane found his way to the animals before any one else. When I went to check on him, he was chatting it up with a deer (baby goat) and talking about the deer's (baby goat's) horns.
Yes, my not quite two year old is fully aware that deers have antlers. Have you met his father?
Lane loves him.
After visiting with Deer, James and Lane will pull out the bird calls that reside in the basement as well. I believe we have a crow and a duck and a turkey call.
While I have been reading Lane his Old Macdonald book and teaching him turkeys say gobble gobble, James has been teaching Lane a real life lesson without even knowing it.
As Lane stood in front of that turkey last Tuesday afternoon, I heard actual turkey sounds coming from each one of them. A full on turkey conversation.
It is official. I'm raising a mini James - the only two year old in Cherokee County who knows the actual sound a turkey makes.
He makes his papa proud.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Remember when I used to blog
"The day will come that you will be free to spend whole days any way you want-- you can travel, go to school, or go in your room and shut the door.
But today, you are a mother. "
Once upon a time I used to post on this blog every day. Remember? I do. I think.
I haven't blogged in more than a week. It is not that we haven't been busy. I think we have been too busy to stop and blog.
James has been in town. And then out of town. Then home. Then gone again. And leaving again tomorrow. I don't mind at all when James heads out of town. I know he needs time to himself. Time to unwind. And, I know given the chance, I would never leave Lane for more than a day. (Who am I kidding. I hate leaving him for more than four or five hours.)
Still, it would be nice to get away, right?
Lane and I have been to the pumpkin patch. Thrown a pumpkin party with the besties. Gone to a birthday party. Been to Red Top with Papa. Cheered on The Falcons with Pops and Papa. I literally need to run out the door to meet the rest of the gang at the zoo this afternoon.
To top it off - with just 10 weeks left of this pregnancy - I finally feel super pregnant. The 11 pounds I've gained are starting to make me feel heavy and look big. The hormones are getting to me. (I cried yesterday while Lane was at school because I missed him and just love him so much.) My hips ache. I'm exhausted at night. The hot flashes of Lane's pregnancy have returned.
Too much complaining? I know. I feel the same way. Last night, I went to bed feeling a little overwhelmed. Then, in the middle of the night, I woke up to the baby kicking and found my way downstairs. Somehow, I came across the quote above.
"The day will come that you will be free to spend whole days any way you want-- you can travel, go to school, or go in your room and shut the door.
But today, you are a mother. "
And so it is. I was reminded of my very important role in life. And just how blessed I am. For years I longed for the life I have now.
So I'm off. To be a mother. To spend another wonderful day with my babes.
And when I get home, I'll blog about it.
Monday, October 18, 2010
What's up
Want to know what's been going on around here lately?
We've been enjoying our fall:
with flannel sheets and the down comforter
with just 11 more weeks until Bro Bro arrives
with Papa heading out each weekend to deer camp
Saturday, Pops came over to hang with Lane while I went to a prenatal yoga class and got my toes painted. The two played at the house while I was out. I picked up an olive pizza (Lane's favorite) on my way home.
Sunday morning, I asked Lane what he dreamed about. (I ask him this every morning. Usually, I'll go over the events of the day before.)
Without any prompting, he replied, "Pops, and pizza, and olives."
I guess he really enjoyed hanging with Pops.
Stephanie goes back to work on Wednesday so we've been hanging with the Ward boys a lot.
This little one is packing on the pounds.
At our house, we've been getting ready for Halloween.
That means:
Birds and bats all over the house.
Books about pumpkins each night.
Practicing trick or treating.
Halloween t-shirts.
And The Great Pumpkin.
These two boys really like hanging out with each other.
Another trip to the pumpkin patch is planned for tomorrow.
And watching this little man soak up the sun while lounging in the leaves yesterday made me really excited to meet the little one lounging in my bump.