We are big fans of weekends around here. But, who isn't.
For us, weekends mean two whole days full of family. Papa home all day long, and I'm not sure who enjoys it more - me or Lane. If I had to guess, I'd say Lane. Each weekday morning, when Papa heads out for work, Lane stands at the window and yells, "Dada, Dada, Paaaapaaa."
But on weekends, we spend extra time each morning snuggling in bed as a family. Papa cooks breakfast. We head out for days filled with parks, restaurant lunches and dinners, and evenings hanging out at home or shopping for unnecessaries just so we can stay up a little late.

This weekend, we started early and convinced Papa to take Friday off. Things only got better when we bought our own Wacky Water Weasel.
Our boy anxiously anticipated the installation of the Weasel in the side yard so we could show Papa how we do it. We take our Weasel pretty seriously. For Lane, there's a certain way to approach this kind of play.
You must quickly run to the end of the Weasel as soon as water begins to spray, pick up the end apparatus and spray your friends. Papa caught on quickly.

You get ready. Get set. Go. As the water begins to spray your chubby cheek face. No matter what direction your coming from, Lane and I have got the chubby cheek face-run down. We can do it together or alone.

Weekends are about sharing all the love and fun you've stored up all week with those you surround yourself with. Even old Mar joins in on the fun.
Weekends are about work too. The shorthair will let you know. This weekend Papa got our plants and seeds in the ground for the 2010 Allison Drive Garden.

Soon, we'll have beans, okra, tomatoes, corn, peppers, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, fresh herbs and fancy flowers to enjoy and share with others in just a few months.

Some weekends include grandparents. Grandparents who work hard all week so they can take one day to watch their grandboy babies do what they do best. Play.

It is about loving this MeMaMa with all your heart. It is about letting your Pops push you on the swing even though swinging is not one of your favorite park play activities.

It is about watching your Cousin Damian swing for a full hour - with your Papa and Pops taking turns pushing him because their arms begin hurt after a while.

It is about going "To The Moon." And watching your Cousin Lane go down all the slides. It is about telling him he is doing a "good job" each time he goes down. It is about counting to 20 as you swing and telling everyone all about your sissy.

It is about going down the slide with MeMaMa. And laughing.

It is about being brave and asking your Grand Daddy to help you up so you can slide too. It is about climbing up very slowly with Grand Daddy's hand always on your back or very close by. It is about kind of conquering your fear but taking your time.

So when you get to the top, you can go down the slide at the same time as your cousin. Because, he tried swinging for you so you can try sliding for him.
And then doing it over and over again.

It is about giving kisses through park play bubbles and making your MeMaMa feel as if she is the most special person in the world.

It is about putting down the camera for a while so you can join in on the fun.

It is about loving this little boy so much you would do anything to make him happy.

It is about being a kid. And at the park, everyone is a kid.

It is about shapes and sizes on the iPhone.

It is about being big boys and leaving the park even if you don't want to. It is about big boys holding someone's hand as you walk to the parking lot because that is what big boys do.

It is about ending it all with a bang. Or a splash, I should say. Chasing the sprinkler as it wets the dry garden soil and soaking yourself with water and saturating yourself with dirt before your Sunday night shower.

It is realizing there's a little tree growing in your big backyard and hearing the story of its existence.
A little sapling planted just weeks after you were born. Given to us when we recycled your first Christmas tree in to mulch. It is hearing the story of your Papa traveling out a few days after your birth to bring home your first tree.
It is about growing up way too fast and knowing one day you'll come home from school to find this tree has grown taller than you.
It is about enjoying this time when both you and the tree are still so young.

It is about sticks and puppy dogs and laughing and love.

Mostly - love. About a mama and a papa's love for their babe.
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