I have a confession to make. Last week, Lane learned he can pull the chairs surrounding the kitchen table away and then use them to climb on top of the table.
When I caught him on top of the table, I got my camera - to take pictures for you.
I thought it would be pretty funny to play a game. Kind of like, "Can you guess where Hoo is?"

Show you these photos and then tell you, "He's on top of the kitchen table, of course!"

A few days later, the short hair jumped on to the table after dinner. Papa got the camera to take some photos. We laughed and laughed. Then, I had a brilliant idea.

Let's go get Lane, let him crawl on to the table and take pictures of both of them on the table.

I did. He did. He laughed. We laughed some more. And, took pictures for all of you to see.

These are the confessions of a bad mom - and papa too. He was in on it this time.
Be careful or one day you will be picking him up from preschool and he will be sitting in time out for dancing on the tables. That was D last Thursday.