Meet Park Ranger Rader, the newest member of our family. He wears that uniform proudly: sporting sunglasses, riding his 4-wheeler and watching over all the wildlife - and picnic baskets.

Lane's grandparents went on a vacation to Saint Augustine a few weeks back and came home with this park ranger uniform for our little outdoors-man. There could not be a more fitting present for our babe - as we all know how much he loves to play at parks and spend time outside.

Although I wanted to pinch those cheeks and call out "Hey, Boo Boo. Look at that pick-a-nic basket," all day long, I was reminded of how seriously this miniature park ranger takes his job.

There's no time for practical jokes, mama. We've got a job to do. These bubbles need to get blown. Calls need to be made. Baskets to search. Parks to protect.

Papa and I paraded our tiny ranger around yesterday, taking him to visit his Grand mom's office so she could show him off to all her work friends.

All giggles aside, he was the talk of the town that Park Ranger Rader.
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