I think it is quite possible to get drunk from the sun rays. That's just what Lane and I did yesterday afternoon, which was quite possibly one of the most perfect days of my life.
I felt so inspired by spring, Lane and I spent the morning rearranging furniture. A little bit of moving things around really brightened up this place. After the babe's morning nap, we met papa at his office and enjoyed lunch together.
Then we went to Target. Now, I am not trying to brag when I say that at least 10 to 12 people told me how Lane is so cute. Because he is and was doing things like counting to three. Pointing at all the shoes and getting really excited and exclaiming shoes! shoes! And pulling a box of animal crackers off the end of an isle and then eating off a head of an elephant, putting it back in the box, pulling out a tiger, eating his tail, putting it back in the box.
So, I just wanted to say to each one of those ladies, "I know. He is so stinking cute isn't he. He is. And I just love him. And would you believe me if I told you that it took me more than two years to get pregnant with him. And each month, when I wasn't pregnant, I felt like the world was coming to an end. And then another month would drag by and two years felt like a lifetime."
Now this month marks two years since I got pregnant with Lane. Two years. The fastest, most wonderful, happiest two years of my life. And I feel a little drunk and giddy just thinking about how happy Lane makes me.
But back to Target. After we left the store, we came right home but did not even make it inside because the sun, and the backyard, and the new pinwheel we got in the dollar section were calling us to enjoy them.
So we just stayed outside and played. Before we knew it, papa was home and he joined in on the fun.
I'm hoping Lane still has some of that sun soaked up inside of him because we woke up to snow this morning.

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