I've tired of winter meals. I'm sure by next fall I'll be ready for meatloaf, roasts, soups and stews, but as of right now, I'm ready for some chicken and salmon on the grill, my version of fried okra and lots of fresh blackberry and peach cobbler.
We've got the garden all mapped out in our heads - that's what I've been thinking about.
How the okra makes me itch all over when I pick it. Yet, I forgive it later on that night when I place a plate full of it on the table for dinner. How pretty the plants' flowers look in the early morning when they bloom.
And the basil. Our basil grows five feet tall and smells so delicious - like the best basil and tomato salad you have ever let you tongue taste. I pick it just to bring inside and use as a fresh bouquet.
There's so much in our garden come mid summer: jalapenos and tomatoes for fresh salsa; green beans to steam with a little garlic for a before dinner snack; squash, squash and more squash. It's a kaleidoscope of color. And we like to add in some zinnias for our own viewing pleasure.
With all this on my mind, I opened up a folder of photos labeled summer 2008 so I could get a little sneak peek of what our garden might look like this year. Two years ago, the garden was bursting with veggies. Each plant produced to its finest.
It was a family joke that year - our fertility and our garden's.
I've said it before. I've said it a million times. I loved being pregnant. Aside from the shining hair, curvy body, and endless amounts of energy, there was the knowledge of knowing I was creating life. I never felt alone that summer - my boy was always right there with me.
There was so much to enjoy: family, fun times, fresh food for the taking - just ask Elly Mae, she was out there every evening stealing cucumbers, green beans, okra and the occasional watermelon - and the thoughts of the new life we would soon greet with open arms.

Which brings me to new thoughts - how I hope we get to take this photo again one day. Will I get to label another shot - first family photo. Only this time, Lane will be smiling with us and another baby will be growing in that big belly.
I guess we will just have to wait and see. Who knows what will happen once things get blooming around here and the bees start pollinating.

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