I'm back at the park. Not literally. (Although we will be joining some friends for a picnic and more playing after Hoo's morning nap today.) No, I'm still at yesterday's park. I have so much to tell you about my babe at the park, however, last night my fingers were just too tired to type. In fact, my whole body was just too tired. And, with papa already snuggled in bed next to me, I posted those pictures, turned off the computer and wiggled my buns right up next to him so we could fall asleep.

Before drifting to sleep, we decided I best just fill a bag with sunscreen, snacks and some books for me and prepare to spend hours getting to know the many different parks in our county.
Because, yesterday, someone stole my babe and replaced him with a toddler who looks just like my babe. A watching, thinking, task mastering, loving the outside toddler.
Have you seen enough of those hard working, intent faces my babe made during that hour we played? No. Good, here's some more.

There was a lot of thought and determination put in to yesterday's play. I witnessed all of it. The comprehending of how to slide down the slide, walk to the right, up the first step to a platform, then up a next step, which leads to another, which leads to the slide. Push, 1, 2, 3. Do it all over again.
My assistance was needed twice, maybe three times, before Lane comprehended how to make it all work and was able to take on the process without me.
I'm not the only one showing him the way. I watched as he watched older kids jump across the weebly woobly bridge. Oh, his little mind was moving at light speed as he waited for them to exit so he could try - first crawling across, then walking, then trying to make the bridge move up and down as the older kids did. He crossed that bridge repeatidly until he was able to make it across without falling down.
That's how this boy takes on life - he does not give up until he has it down pat.
I watched those little red shoes go up and down all afternoon. His goal - to be able to step up on to each platform without needing to bend over and use his hands.
He succeeded.

This stage in his life has to be just as amazing for him as it is me. Can you imagine what it must feel like to have an abundance of freedom and abilities you never had before. To see the world in a whole new light every day. To realize what your body is capable of doing and push it to the limits to do so until you get it just where you want it to be.

And there it is again. My babe showing me. Teaching me. Opening my eyes to the world.
My inspiration to try out something new and not give up until I succeed. I think I'll do just that.

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