Sunday, February 28, 2010

We make beautiful babies

Saturday, Emily and Ellen came to town with the babes.
Stephanie treated all of us to a beautiful lunch.

Addison provided baby cheeks for loving and kissing.

Drew was so excited to introduce his "vicious hermit crab" to Lane and Tristan.
While we were eating lunch, we heard Drew tell the babes all about the crab.
Then, we heard a loud scream.
Stephanie found Drew in the foyer with a bright red tear-filled face and a bloody finger.
I found the hermit crab hauling it down the hallway.

Poor Drew's feelings were so hurt. He cried and cried.
Then fell asleep and missed most of the party.

See his poor little finger all bandaged and broken.

Lane couldn't understand why his best bud Drew wouldn't play.
He kept going in to the living room and talking to Drew.

Until he saw his mama with Addison.
Then he decided he needed to be in my lap.
Then I decided that Addison makes Lane look big.
Because it is not possible for him to be that big.

Then I also decided that I might need one of these little babies.
Maybe. Just maybe.

Lane played in the Cozy Coupe all day.
So, we brought it home.

Tristan turns two next week.
He's two cute.

We kept asking Addison to tell us if that's a boy or a girl growing in Stephanie's belly.
If she knows, she isn't telling.
I say boy. Or girl. Or boy.
I'll take either.
We'll find out in a few weeks.

You wouldn't know it but Sydney was there too.
She wasn't in a very social mood.

Tristan and Lane were. They played cars together.
Kind of.

Tristan didn't mind showing Lane how to play.

But he didn't want to share the cars.

Spending time with friends. Eating yummy foods. Talking about pregnant bellies and maternity clothes. Thinking about babes to come. Kissing on and loving kiddos - yours and others. All these things make for a beautiful day.

Until the vicious hermit crab attacks.

Meet ....
Drew's vicious hermit crab. Papa wanted a picture of him.
This was the best I could get of him inside the cage because I sure as heck wasn't getting him out!

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