Just when I think I can't take any more of the three-year-old sass, Lane will show me his charming side, and I'll realize that yes, we both might make it to see his fourth birthday.
I'm finding that three is such an interesting age. It is an age full of discovery and learning. Full of questions and figuring out the answers on his own. Full of language and experimentation.
Full of accomplishment and frustration.
For both of us.
At the same time, daily, I am frustrated at how smart my boy is. There's a certain amount of stubborn that showed up shortly after his third birthday. I hear it has a lot to do with his age.
I think a lot of it just has to do with who Lane is.
He hasn't asked again. I think he was full of curiosity since he found me asleep on the couch one morning after a long night of Evan not feeling well. I think he wanted to test the couch sleeping waters and when I replied no at first he pushed back in retaliation.
The boy has a strong head on those little shoulders.
We've finally mastered the potty. It took THREE LONG weeks for Lane to be totally comfortable with doing his business on the toilet but he finally got it. On his own terms.
Some days, he would go without a fight. Some days, he would fight me all day long. Some days, he would just hold it.
The days he didn't go made for a very grumpy boy. And mama.
A good friend sent a text to check in on me - knowing I was having a hard time - she reminded me that this time is so temporary and that it too shall pass.
In so many different ways.
True to her word, it passed. When his parents stopped pushing and let Lane figure it out on his own, Lane mastered the potty just. like. that. He's an old pro now. I already feel as if he's been going on his own forever.
This weekend, James and I were talking about Evan's speech development. We were trying to remember all the words Lane knew by the time he was one. James replied that he just couldn't remember a time when Lane didn't talk.
That's so true. If I have said it once, I've said it 100 times. Life moves fast when you have children.
I'm trying to remember that at the moments Lane acts his worst. I'm trying to slow down and let him dress himself. Or march myself, Evan and Lane back in the house because Lane wanted to be the line leader. Or pour the cereal back in the box because Lane wanted to pour it himself. Or put him back in his car seat because he wanted to get out himself.
Lane's anything but submissive. He puts up a fight. He's full of sass and spunk. For some, that might not be considered perfect.
I wouldn't have it any other way. While at times, our personalities clash, I realize that all that spunk and sass and perfectionist traits will one day lead to big things for my little boy.
The big things of the future start with the little tasks of today - in which I remind myself, this too shall pass.
I just hope it doesn't pass too quickly.
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