First off, now that the cat is out of the bag, I'll tell you that I did have a little of the first trimester blahs. My energy level was zapped by the end of the day, and blogging fell to the bottom of my to do list..
However, that does not mean we have not had a ton going on. And, I've got pictures to prove it.
Now, back to blogging.
Last week, Paola and I took the three amigos to a little water park in Roswell.
They loved it.

One jumped right in as soon as her feet touched the ground.

Another squirmed out of his mama's arms while she was trying to cover him with sunscreen and ran right to the water.

Another took a little time getting used to it.

With a little coaxing from his cousin, and prodding from us, eventually John Oscar took to the idea of water shooting out of the ground.

And they all spent quite a bit of time splashing around. I spent most of my time chasing Lane who couldn't stand staying still and ran from one side of the park to the other getting his little body wet under every fountain he could find.

Don't let the face fool you. He liked it.

All three of them played and explored - sometimes playing alone and sometimes coming together.

And the only time they stopped was for a snack and juice break.

Which Andrea could have skipped.

And to meet up every once in a while for a smooch.

The next time they needed a drink, these two smarties figured out they did not even have to stop playing. Monkey see. Monkey do.

The fun lasted for a while. The boys got tired. The mamas got hot. We retreated to a bench to feed our babes a little snack.

Return tomorrow for pictures of the gang enjoying their special treats.
(It might be the post that convinces John Oscar's mama to never leave him alone with me and Paola again!)
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