You know the kind of friend you introduce to others as, "This is my friend. I've known her her entire life."
For me, that's Valerie.
I don't remember who became friends first - me and Val's older sister Kristina or my mom and her mom Tina Marie.
But this is what I do know. Our friendships have survived many years and many miles.
We can go years without seeing each other. Even longer without talking. When we do reunite - it is comfort. It is like we've never been apart.
It is as if our moms are those two young women with small children and husbands who traveled.
We talk like we talk every day of the week. We reminisce and we always leave each other knowing when were together again it will feel the same.
I can remember Val growing inside her mama's belly. Her sister and I anxiously awaiting her birth.
Standing at the sink in the bathroom hallway - diligently washing our hands so we could hold tiny little Val the day she came home from the hospital.
Pretending she was our baby girl.
Two years ago, I surprised Val at her wedding. I watched her marry Jay. Smiling as our little baby girl said her vows.
And then I surprised her again when I told her I had my own baby growing in my belly.
Now, she's here - in Georgia. Studying for the bar. Because that little baby girl just graduated from law school.
I could not be happier to have her here.
Lane's happy to have her here too.
Because she's known him his entire life.
We love you, Val.
Happy birthday!
This was the BEST birthday gift ever. Thank you for the post. It brought tears to my eyes. I love you all lots, and you will always be my "Big" sister, Lana. Lane- thanks for being my pal on the big city playground! You are AWESOME and I can't wait for our play date this weekend. Hugs to your Momma and Daddy, Lane and that short hair, too. xoxo