Literally, the kids talks up a storm. I can now proudly say, "He got that from me!"
A few weeks ago, Papa and I were amazed at how quickly he picked up new words: one or two every few weeks. Boy, that has changed. The babe says something new every day.
At our house, we consider "knowing" a word when Lane can accurately say the name of the object while recognizing the object.
So the other day, while leaving his playdate when a gecko lizard sat perched on the front steps of our friend's house, and Lane repeated after me "gecko," yeah, I don't consider that a word so much. (Nor do I consider that a sentence.)
However, last night, when Lane walked over to the freezer, tried to open the door and said "poppie, poppie," we knew exactly what he meant. He wanted a popsicle.
New word #1 of the week.
He took her right to the back door after dinner and told her "out side," letting her know that is where he goes while mama cleans up the dinner dishes.
We had a busy day yesterday. Swimming lessons in the morning. Lunch with Papa. Back to the pool to show off all he's learned.
There's word #2 of the week. Pool. He loves it. As soon as we pull up, you hear it out of his mouth.
Pool. Pool.
Home to hang with Val.
He appreciated the cool after-dinner treat. So much so, he ate the poppie all by himself. A first. Usually Papa or I have to hold it for him and bite off little pieces.
Last night he figured it out. Didn't need our help one bit.
When it came time to hand his lowers over, (imagine saying flowers without the f and having a very Southern drawl - that's how Lane pronounces the word) he couldn't do it.
"One for Mama? One for Val," I asked.
"Nnnnooo," he told me and handed both to me.
Lane made up for it when he walked her to the door, stood at the window and watched her leave. He tapped on the glass, calling "Bye, bye. Ove ou." Blowing kisses over and over.
He stood there long after Val pulled out of the drive telling her good-bye and how much he loves her.
It is one of the first words he speaks when he wakes up. Throughout the day, he'll look at me at least once every 30 minutes with a look of question on his face and ask, "PawPaw."
I'll tell him Papa is at work. You'll see him soon.
And he waits - patiently. But as soon as the dogs begin to bark signaling that Papa is home, Lane stops what he is doing, runs to the hallway and begins to squeal with delight, "PawPaw, PawPaw."
He oves him.
Awe...I love this babe! :) What a great post... ove you too Lane! :)