Last night, as we snuggled in bed with our boy, papa and I reminded him - as we do every day - of just how much we love him. How he changed our life. How he's made us better in every way.
There's just so much to say about our boy.

While we never have any problems with other children, Lane just doesn't want to share his toys with Evan.
Sharing love and attention - that doesn't seem to be so bad. He's adjusted to having a sibling quite nicely. In fact, any time Evan isn't around, it doesn't take Lane too long to ask, "Hey, where's Evan."
It makes my heart melt each time.
Oh, he knows how to make my heart melt. He gives kisses at just the right time. He reminds me he loves me just when I need to hear it. He kisses my boo boos and always tells me how pretty I am.

I've learned that a cranky Lane is usually a tired Lane, so when the lower lip starts to pout out and the tone starts to get sassy, I usually just pack everything up and get my boy somewhere to sleep.
He's a stubborn guy, but he comes by that honestly. I don't think age has anything to do with that character trait. He insists on having things done the way we always do them. He doesn't handle change in routine well. And when he makes up his mind that he's going to do something - or not going to do something - well, you can take his word that it will - or will not - get done.
At three years old, we have been potty trained for at least six months. We sail through each day in big boy underwear, and rarely do I need to remind him to use the potty. I feel comfortable leaving him at school all morning long or at the childcare room in the gym - knowing an accident is very unlikely.
All of this pertains to pee pee in the potty. Because we are still working on the other half. Lane made up his mind that he will not put his poo in the potty about seven months ago - and here we are. He kindly asks for a diaper when he needs to go. If a diaper is not available, he will kindly wait until one is. We don't have messy accidents, and James and I gave up fighting with him about six months, when he told us he will stop using a diaper on December 4.
I'll let you know how that goes.

Like his papa, he can be the center of attention in a crowd - if he wants to be. However, he prefers to spend most of his time watching and taking it all in. He likes to scout out a situation first. He keeps to himself for a while - preferring to acquaint himself with his surroundings. Once he is comfortable, he will open up. Usually, he ends up enjoying himself in most situations.
He's always loved the outdoors - and that hasn't changed. When I find he might be grumpy, or just in need of a little change of scenery, I'll take him outside. Some fresh air and nature seem to make him happy. He doesn't need a swing set or toys, he's quite happy with some leaves, rocks, sticks or dirt - and can keep himself entertained for quite a while.
One thing he gets from his mama and papa is his love of snuggling. While he doesn't give out much affection toward others, he showers his two favorite people with so much. We end each night snuggling close to each other. He can't fall asleep without his papa cuddling him. Each afternoon, I put Evan down for a nap and then Lane and I head upstairs for a little snuggle time. He always falls asleep with his arm wrapped around my neck. When papa comes home from work, the two kiss and hug until his little heart is content. I hope he never grows out of this stage.

We constantly talk about his best friends. Andrea, of course, will always be number one, even as we introduce more little people in to his world. He's made his very first friend on his own - a little boy from school - and Lane loves to talk about this boy and imagine they are playing together.
He's got a few other little friends he sees each week, and he knows when to ask for which friends and where he might see them.
He's smart as a whip. He's been able to recognize the letters of the alphabet for almost a year now. He can count to 20. He picks up lyrics to songs in just a few listenings. He remembers everything - the names of restaurants and stores. Where we went last week, and the week before and the week before. The name of each and every one of his 50 something Monster Jams.
And he doesn't forget a thing. If I tell him we can paint tomorrow while Evan is napping or that we will get ice cream if he is a good boy - you better believe we will be painting and getting ice cream. If I offer him a marshmallow as a snack, he will remind me that George roasts marshmallows in his book. When Evan wears his monster truck shirt, he will tell me that the little boy at Chick-fil-A had that shirt when him, and Evan and Memother were there. He remembers the baby giraffe at the zoo is named Lily. All black Jeeps are like his Mamaw's Jeep and all 18 wheelers are like his Pop's.

He's always busy. He doesn't require a lot. We don't have many fancy toys. We don't watch much TV. We play with his cars. We visit with our friends at all of our favorite places. We work on projects - painting, drawing, cooking, creating with blocks.
We talk a lot. We talk about what we did the day before. What we will do that day. Where we can go. He asks a lot of questions, which James and I are always happy to answer. He yearns to learn. We try our hardest to quench his desire for knowledge.
We've work our hardest over the last three years to give him any and everything he could need to make him happy.
I can honestly say I could continue to work my hardest for eternity, and I could never repay him for all the wonderful things he's given me.
I love you, Lane Thomas. Happy third birthday.
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