I really love the style of our tree. Our house doesn't have a good spot for a tree. The best spot I can find is in our tiny dining room. We move the table around a bit and put the tree in the corner in front of a window.
James and I like to keep our tree simple. Oh, and a real tree is a must. We love the smell.
We might not have gotten a tree the next year. I don't remember.
The year Lane was born, I spiced up our simple tree with a few birds. I thought they went nicely with our "natural" theme. I'm pretty sure I didn't collect any pinecones that year - having just given birth and all.
The next year, I added a few more birds to the collection.
Last year, we didn't get a tree. The Sunday before Evan was born, my mom was over. I ran to Kroger to pick up a few items and saw a little tree in a pot. I brought it home, decorated it with our cranberry garland and placed it on our mantel.
A few days later, Evan was born.
I think it is lovely.
Oh, and the bottom half is naked. See above regarding little hands.
So far, the boys don't seem to mess with the tree. Lane does like to plug it in though.
For those of you who think it might be mean not to let Lane decorate the tree, don't worry. This year, I got him his own little tree - just for his room.
That's how cute they are.
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