Monday, December 12, 2011

Evan Eats.

It has been a while since I updated you on our little man's eating habits. His new favorite: lima beans.

Better known as mama beans around here.

A few weeks ago, I opened a can of lima beans to serve with dinner. As is his new custom, Lane asked, "What's that."

"Lima beans," I informed him.

"Oh, mama beans," he said. "I don't like those."

Which is also his new standard answer. And, yes, he does like them. He used to eat them all the time - back before he started asking what he was eating and just ate what I served him.

As for my other baby, he loves him some mama beans. On this particular night, he was having a yummy dinner of noodles, carrots from our crock pot roast and mama beans.

Notice how he picked out all the lima beans first. Then the carrots. I think he left most of the noodles. That's just filler food.

He did have to stop mid dinner to answer his hand phone. This poor baby always has someone calling him. He's just so busy - and popular.

MMMMM. Mama beans.

Do your kids eat them?

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