With a dishwasher full of clean dishes, a sink full of dirty dishes and a content baby in his room, I went to the kitchen to do a little work.
Now, I've got three years of mama experience under my belt. I know better. A quiet house - unless, of course, your babes are napping - usually indicates something naughty is taking place.
I made my way through the bottom shelf of the dishwasher and almost all the way through the top shelf when it hit me.
I didn't hear a peep coming from Evan's room.
What do you think I found when I went down the hall to check on him.
It makes me have to clean up a mess that was not a necessary mess.
Oh, but it gets even better.
Later that day, I set out to make a chicken pot pie.
I had the chicken part ready when I realized I didn't have any eggs to fulfill the pie part of our dinner.
James was home so I left the kids and rushed up the street to Publix to pick up some eggs.
Thankfully she didn't say anything about my lack of make-up or my messy hair.
And that my friends is what happens after three beautiful years of being a mama.
You go out in public looking like this - and do it with a big old smile on your face.
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