Choosing a simple way to describe Evan comes easy. If I had to pick two words to sum up all that he is, I would pick sweet and bubbly.
The boy is like sticky sugar. You just want to eat him up and can't get enough of him. He loves to love, and I haven't met a person yet who doesn't comment on his loving personality.
James likes to say his smile takes up his entire face. I believe that is the truth. With that bald head and chubby cheeks, his big smiles completes the package. I think he knows it. It is very rare not to see him smiling.

Other times, I think that it couldn't possibly be just one year since Evan completed our family.
It feels like forever that he's been here with us.

Lately, he's started to get a little sass when it comes to giving out a kiss. Somehow, he learned how to shake his head no and he knows just what that gesture means. Lean in for a kiss, and he will look at you with a big grin and tell you no.
I think he just likes to get a reaction out of whoever is asking for a smooch. Most of the time, he gives right in and lets you kiss those cheeks or that little button nose that looks so much like his brother's.

While his looks mimic the sibling that came before him, he's got a personality all of his own. My two boys couldn't be different.
Evan loves to be around people. In fact, he's happiest when we are out and about. He's more than willing to let a room of ladies pass him around, love on him and spoil him rotten.
Easy going Evan.
He's content with whatever he's got - a ball, a block or a cell phone.
Most of all, a cell phone. He loves to talk on the phone. He knows just how to use one and "talks" all day long. His first reaction when getting a phone in his hand - well, he puts it right to his ear and says hi.
He's a social butterfly my youngest babe.

He loves people, and people love him. I get stopped in stores, restaurants, the gym, and just about any other place by men and women of all ages who comment on his big smile, adorable laugh and who just want to touch him.
I can't blame them.

The girls at the gym say he must be an old soul. I have to agree. There's something behind those eyes that make you wonder where he's been and what he's thinking about.
From the moment he was born, we noticed his hands. They look just like James' Great Aunt Cora, who passed away shortly after Lane was born. We can't help but think the two of them must have held hands at one time. We like to think she, along with all the other great grandparents, taught him so much more before we could teach him.

For months now, he's been able to recognize and use the signs for eat, more and all done. If he's hungry, he'll tell you he wants to eat. If your tickling his belly and stop, he'll tell you more. Just last night, I asked Lane if he was all done eating dinner, only to look over and find Evan using the sign for done as I spoke the word to Lane.
Signs aren't the only thing he's catching on to quickly. Aside from mama, he can say the word more, when he wants more, and all done, when he's done.
He loves climbing the stairs so the only smart thing to do was teach him how to go down. So, we did. He caught on in just a few days. Now, he knows if he wants to get off the couch or the bed, his bottom must go first.
Maybe he's so smart because he's got his best friend teaching him everything he knows.

He loves to touch him and be near him. He mimics a lot of what Lane does and always wants to be right in the middle of what Lane's got going on.
This causes some unhappiness on Lane's part. It also causes a lot of bangs and bruises on Evan's forehead.

Good thing Evan's growing up so fast. He's recently started putting up a little fight when Lane tries to snatch something away from him. He's getting strong and isn't backing down as easily as he once did.
At twelve months old, he's wearing size 18 month clothing. Just last week, I put him in a pair of pajamas Lane wore when Evan was born.
That's alright with me. There's just more of him to love.

If I didn't talk about duck then I'd be leaving out a big aspect of our little boy's first year of life. He loves that duck. He can't go to bed without him. He holds him close to his face and holds duck's foot in his hand. He's rubbed those feet so much they are worn and tattered.
During the day, he'll make his way to his room just to pull duck out of his crib. He'll crawl around the house with duck by his side - talking to him, hugging him, smiling at him.

To think that a year ago I wondered how I'd find room in my heart to love another boy saddens me now. It only took a second to realize what a fool I was. The moment he was born, my heart doubled in size.
When I think about my life before Evan, I'm reminded of a line from one of my favorite songs:
"I never knew the best was yet to come."
I thought my life was complete. I thought I had everything I ever needed. I thought my heart was full of love and laughter.
It was.
Evan just made it even better.

I love you.
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