Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer fun list.

While I'm perfectly content - and Lane's perfectly happy - to stay right in our front yard and splash away in the kiddie pools, I was inspired by some other mamas this summer to make a list and check it - twice, in some cases.

For our Summer Fun list, I combined a list of activities that could be done at home and away from home.

Some of these things we have done in the past - like going to the zoo or seeing a baseball game. Some are items I knew I wanted to do with Lane this summer - such as picking berries, visiting a museum and painting with sidewalk paint. Others have been on my want to do list for a while - beach bike ride, outdoor movie and low country boil. Some, are special just for my little man - and might require a little extra planning.

We've asked our friends to join us for a few of the items. Some, we will do as a family. And, some I plan on doing with just my boys.

Such was the first item on the list: water balloons.

I bought a little package of water bombs from Target late last week and put them up for a special afternoon activity. While Evan was napping, I took Lane outside, showed him how to fill up a balloon just right, tie a knot, and then bammmm - give it a throw.

Of course, we made a little learning activity out of it - counting balloons and naming the colors.

Most of all, we just had fun.

It didn't take long for Lane to catch on so it didn't take long for both of us to get soaked.

Or use up the entire bag of balloons.

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