Bowling. I gathered the babes and our belongings, and headed to the alley close to Papa's office. On the way there, I told Lane we were going bowling. I'm pretty sure his little brain had no idea what was in store for his little body. However, as soon as we walked in, I saw my little thinker's mind running full speed.
We waited in line, paid for our shoes, quickly found the perfect green ball and found our way to the assigned lane.
Without so much as an a one-word explanation, Lane picked up his ball and began to bowl.
The dynamics of the game seemed unimportant to him. Terms like pin, strike, turkey, gutter ball or curve meant nothing to him.
Most times, the ball made its way so slowly down the alley that he'd lose interest in it shortly after releasing it from his hands. I'd have to remind him to look back as the ball hit the pins.
For my boy, keeping score was for the birds. Picking up the ball fresh from the return, finding just the right way to hold it in his little hands, walking right up to the foul line and releasing the ball from his body was all he needed to enjoy a morning at the bowling alley.
Enough so, he asked that we play another round once the first one ended.
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