I purposely placed the jar of puffs at the edge of Evan's blanket - leaving just two within his grasp. With Lane playing in his bedroom, I thought this would be the appropriate time for Evan to practice reaching to grab while at the same time perfecting the pincher grasp that so delightfully brings food to our chubby baby's mouth.
As I prepared dinner, I happily watched over the sink and walked in to the living room each time Evan needed some assistance or some more puffs.
Then I heard his little feet tromp down the hall and Lane ask, "What's brudder doing?"
"Eating his puffs," I replied.
"Oh, I help him," offered his ever helpful older brother.
Before I could figure out what Lane had in mind, the jar full of puffs toppled over, and Evan was happy as, well, a baby with a jar full of puffs.

I left my station in the kitchen and joined my two boys in the living room, watching from the couch as each snacked on those over priced puffs.
Lane would grab a handful, place them on his pillow and then munch away.
Evan would fill his little fists full of the treats - trying his hardest and wishing just one would make it in to his mouth.

And when one did, I heard Lane cheer, "You did it, Evan. You did it. Yeah. Good boy, Evan."

Not that I can ever stay upset with my little man for too long, but at that point, I instantly forgave him for making a big mess I knew I would have to sweep up later that evening.

I couldn't help but smile when Evan got brave and reached over to Lane's pillow to snag a few puffs from his older brother. Pay back - it is just beginning.

I left the two of them to enjoy their afternoon snack. This, I thought, is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
My two boys.
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