The newest month in our little babe's life brought so much excitement not just to our world but his world as well.
Evan figured out that eating many of the items the rest of his family eats requires teeth. So, he set out in July to get some. For weeks, we waited on that first tooth. And, I'm happy to say it has finally arrived. At least the top of it.
While we wait for the others, Evan continues to find something new to eat at least daily. I'm still pureeing many of his favorites, including bananas mixed with avocados, sweet potatoes and butternut squash. However, Evan, much like his older brother did, prefers to eat food right from the plate.
I'm not sure what it is about my boys and why we have so much luck moving to solids. Perhaps it is because they are breastfed. Maybe it is because we don't necessarily make special food just for them. We just smash up food we happen to be eating. Maybe it is just luck. Or genes. Whatever it is, my boys like to eat - and eat well.
In the last month, Evan has enjoyed eating green beans, pancakes and waffles, blueberries, Cheerios, warm oatmeal, cinnamon apples, mashed potatoes, rice, watermelon, french fries, and the list goes on.
We have even started ordering him his own food when we go out to eat.
We're not too worried about all that weight. We've got a hunch that he will soon start to thin out now that he's crawling. In one week, we watched our babe get up on all fours, teeter back and forth, move himself backward, figure out how to go forward - and bam, just like that he was crawling.
He happily moves himself all over the living room helping himself to toys and whatever else he can grab.
Crawling wasn't enough. Last week, he figured out how to pull himself up. Does that photo of him hanging out on the fireplace make you nervous? Us too. However, we just can't stop him. Brother keeps his Monster Jams lined up in a nice row right there - and that's right where Evan wants to be.
Lane's quickly learned he has to share with his younger sibling. And, quite often, will offer Evan his own Monster Jam to play with. Most of the time, however, it is not the Monster Jam Evan already has in his hands.
Papa and I watched proudly the other night as Lane rolled one Monster Jam at a time to his younger brother.
You can imagine our joy.
I'm sure Evan will enjoy it - just not as much as he enjoys hanging with Lane and his friends. They might be two years older than him, but Evan has taken right to the Besties. If Lane, Andrea, John and Lily are doing it then Evan wants to be in on the action. Even if it means playing in the fountains at the water park.
He's just not scared. That's just one of the many things everyone loves about Evan. He's always ready to jump right in and take part in whatever is going on.
Others are always amazed at how easily he will close his eyes and doze off.
Let's see, he's slept during a busy Friday night at Steve B's pizza. He naps each morning while in a room full of crazy toddlers at the gym's childcare room. At least once a week, he'll fall asleep at the pool and doze in a shady corner. If Paola's around, he's sure to find his way in to her arms. The two have snuggled up for nap time at two water parks, Monkey Joes, Jackie's living room while the Besties ran around like fools and a few other places. Oh, and there was Lily's second birthday when Evan happily napped on the couch while at least 40 people talked, enjoyed cake and watched Lily open her presents.
Now that the tooth has broken through, we are getting a little more sleep. However, our night routine has been rearranged a little bit. We are finally getting back on track - going down around 8 pm, sleeping until 2 or 3 am, getting back up around 6 am, and going back down until about 8:30.
I've been a little - well, a lot - tired the last few weeks. Yet, I don't mind. It is just part of the job. A job I love.
Look at my boy. He's a ham. A ham who loves the camera - and life.
And, I don't want to brag, but so many others do as well. I receive compliments daily - and if we are out in public, hourly, about just how good looking he is.
Really, we can't go any where without people stopping us to tell us how beautiful our baby is. In restaurants, we will catch strangers looking our way and smiling. Then, we realize, they are really looking at our baby, who is always smiling back at them.
I've been stopped in bathrooms, grocery stores, restaurants, clothing stores, play places - really you name it - so others can stop and stare at our babe.
I even had someone ask me if I could stay right where I was because she wanted to go get her friend so she could see my babe.
I know his looks have a lot to do with his appeal but really I think it also has a lot to do with his personality that makes people find our Evan so charming.
Quite honestly, I don't mind all the attention he gets. He's a lovely little boy. A roly poly ball of gooey goodness who brings so much happiness in to our family's life.
Even though time is moving way too quickly - and my boys are growing up right before my very eyes - I'm just so blessed to call them mine.
And to enjoy every day I have with them.