Thursday, November 11, 2010


Here's the post where I make a big admission on my blog:
every other Wednesday, we have someone come to clean our house.

She scrubs our bathrooms, waxes the hardwood floors, vacuums the carpet, makes the kitchen shine - and overall brings us happiness.

It is a treat I bestowed upon myself when I was a working woman.

After I became a stay-at-home mama, Papa and I made the decision to keep this expense as part of our budget.

Papa takes care of the outside of the house. I take care of the daily upkeep: laundry, sweeping, wiping counters, dishes, picking up toys.

We let someone else do the hefty work.
That means we have never once fought over the division of the chores.
We have our weekends and evenings free to spend time doing things we enjoy - not cleaning.

And, I have more time for important things:
like making cookies

We're so thankful for Tito.
She makes our house a happy home.

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