Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I've been down and out for more than a week with the funk. And, when I say down and out, I mean down and out. As in - did not leave the house for five days; did not leave the bed for three days; did not even take a single picture last week.

I'm feeling better, and for that I am thankful. Inspired by some other bloggers, my goal is to post an entry each day for the rest of the month reminding myself and others of the many things I have to be thankful for.

I am thankful for this man: my husband.
Since the day I met him, he's been nothing but kind, gentle, patient and respectful toward me.
He's made me a better person.
He's made my life better.

Last week, he took over all of my responsibilities, while still taking care of his own, and cared for our home, our child and me.

I remind myself to thank him each day.
Sometimes I forget.

I try to show him how much I appreciate him all the time.
Sometimes I am lacking.

As I told him the other night, love isn't a strong enough word to describe how I feel for him.

I am so very thankful he chose to spend the rest of his life with me.

I am so thankful he loves me.

Have you told your spouse how thankful you are to have his or her love, lately?

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