Why not celebrate Sophia's potty success with a trip to Star Provisions for Smores Cupcakes?
Why not go before noon?

Why not let Sophia pick out her own cupcake - even though they are all alike?
Why not let her decide which cupcake goes to Mommy and which cupcake goes to Lana?

Why not let her stare at it for just a few minutes?

Why not let your friend offer just a little taste to your almost nine month old?

Why not crack up laughing when he jumps right in and grabs a big bite of her cupcake?

Why not let him just have at it?

Why not let him eat it with his hands and cover himself in chocolate and marshmallow goo?

Why not offer a little to sweet Chloe, who was patiently waiting for her own taste?

Why not take a few pictures of those beautiful blue eyes?

Why not?

Why not let Sophia continue to savor EVERY Single BITE of that cupcake?

Why not let Lane savor EVERY Single BITE?

You know you would if you could!
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