Yesterday, we celebrated Papa with a birthday party perfect for him and our little family.

Lane and I prepared dinner.
On the menu:
Honey glazed salmon cooked in Basmati rice with broccoli

The birthday boy enjoyed every bite.

The entire family gathered around the dinner table to enjoy every bite. Even the short hair and Mar patiently waited their turn to tell papa happy birthday (and beg).

Lane took a nice nap before dinner and was in a great mood for the festivities. He enjoyed his oranges and bananas.
Before dinner, Lane and I presented papa with his gift- an antique shotgun shell reloader. Papa enjoys vintage hunting and fishing finds, and he loved our present to him this year.

He also loved the birthday cake I prepared for him: classic yellow cake with chocolate icing. It is his very favorite dessert, and his request for all special occasions.
Yesterday certainly was special. Lane and I are so fortunate to have this amazing man as our own. His strength inspires us. His hard work and determination provides a home and food for us. His sense of humor makes us smile and laugh each day. And his love makes us feel important - and so very loved.
Happy birthday Papa.
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