For more than 15 years, my dad has been traveling to Brimfield, MA, twice a year to work the Brimfield Antique Show. Upon arriving home, he always brings a present - something unique and antique. When I was decorating Lane's room, I wanted an antique baby washbin. I saw a few in some antique stores in Roswell and Savannah, but the asking price was too high.
Dad went to Brimfield in May and came home with two for me - spending a total of 50 bucks.
Let me explain, The Brimfield Antiques Show is the largest and best-known outdoor antiques show in the country. Brimfield is actually the name of the New England town where the event takes place.
Each year, thousands of dealers gather in Brimfield for one week, selling everything from the finest antiques to "junk." For about five miles up and down the main drag of the town, the show is divided in to fields, each with its own name and each featuring different genres of "treasures."
During the show, more than 5,000 dealers come to sell their goods. And, I can't get enough of it.
Some of the fields require an entrance fee and sell large, high-dollar items. I don't even bother. My favorite fields are named Mays and Quaker Acres. In Mays, you find the dealers with vintage kitchen items, home decor items, and fabrics. Quaker is the junk field. There you can find anything and everything your heart desires.
But the most fun thing about the show is you never know what you will find. Last year, I went with antique minnow buckets in mind for James' birthday. I came home with two. This year, I wanted an old outdoor thermometer. I didn't find a single one. But, I did find an old mining light, which I purchased for seven bucks and brought home for papa.
For myself, I purchased some vintage dresses, tableclothes and fabrics. Dad found an old dachsund boot brush for 20 bucks. Last year, we found one for $100 but passed on it. Lane got an old push toy that I have wanted for him for a while. I found a few on etsy for $8, and Fisher Price just reissued the toy for $23 at Target. I got his for 2 bucks. (You can see it in the previous post. He is holding it in the stroller shot.) Lane also got some old-school blocks, a tow truck so he can be like Uncle Pork Chop, a chalk board and some stuff for his Carnival birthday party.
Now, on to the items I didn't buy but did enjoy taking photos of just for you:

And this is where the photos end. We left town that afternoon. Lane continued to feel under the weather. Friday morning, I took his temperature. It was at 101.4. Later that afternoon, it was at 102.2. I called our doctor.
In his nine months of life, Lane has yet to be ill. We have never taken him to the doctor except for his well visits. I wasn't sure what to do. He spent all day Friday in my arms sleeping. He didn't smile. He didn't laugh. He didn't play. He didn't make his signature hoo sound once.
I called my mom. I called Paola. I called Jen. I was scared. When the doctor called back at 4:30, she told me to get him to an emergency room.
And that is just what we did. My mom found us an emergency clinic. With 30 minutes left before the only doctor who was willing to see a baby was set to leave, we got Lane there. Within 5 minutes, we found out what was causing our babe to feel so bad. The four teeth cutting through his gums caused his right ear to get inflamed and infected.
So our traveling babe got some medicine, and we worked our way home. By Saturday morning, he perked up a bit. Saturday night at 10 pm, we rolled in to Allison Drive with lots of goodies and lots of stories to tell our papa - and you too.
Maybe we will go back in May. Or maybe, we will just wait until next September. Hoo is sure to have a mouth full of teeth by then.
As a side note, we met two other babes at Brimfield this year. All three boys met up while in a tent. All three were visiting the show for their second time. Each had been there last year while in the womb. All three moms agreed that we liked having our babes actually see the show but they were much easier cart around last year!
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