Sunday morning, Lane and I packed up the Expedition and headed out to Hoschton to meet my dad. The whole family looked forward to Lane's first trip in an 18 wheeler - a right of passage for any one with Drucker blood.
The trip began beautifully. We drove until dinner, stopped at at Petro for Lane's first truck stop meal and continued on to Virginia. We stopped for the night before hitting the road again on Monday.
Labor Day meant work for the three of us. Dad drove. Lane and I enjoyed the ride.
On Tuesday morning, we made our first delivery in New Jersey. After Lane's nap, he woke up in the City That Never Sleeps. That is right. We took Lane to New York City. We started the drive right at the top of Manhattan and drove all the way down Broadway.
Sounds glamorous? Not really. But still, lots of fun to watch the city out the windows as we drove by.

While dad made his delivery, Lane and I crossed the street and entered a beautiful old church. It was a community center for senior citizens - and the old folks loved Lane. There was a beautiful garden - and I snapped a few shots of Lane. But then I realized it did not even look like he was in the city.
So, before we left, Dad and I each posed for a picture with Lane.
His first trip to The Big Apple - a whopping 15 minutes!

As we drove back up Broadway, dad jumped out and got us each a super pretzel. We promised Papa Lane would enjoy some street food even though we were there for such a short time.
Lane loved it. He munched on his pretzel for the entire hour it took us to get out of the city. When he wasn't munching, he was looking out the window and waving at cars as they passed. He got giddy when a cabbie waved back!

Here is a shot of Lane with his pretzel. Let me tell you, he ate so much of it he worked himself in to a food coma. The boy even held on to it as I put him in his car seat to nap.
We got to Brimfield, our ultimate destination, late Tuesday evening.
I don't really know how to explain the Brimfield Antique Show. The event is really one that must be attended to understand. But, I took a bunch of photos and will try my best to take you there with me in tomorrow's post.
For now, just play along.

Wednesday, we left our hotel a little late. Lane seemed to be a little under the weather. His four top teeth are coming in and the pain was beginning to get to him. We loaded him in his stroller and treasure hunted the day away.
The babe just wasn't happy. Even buying him an old toy didn't do the trick.

But these two did. Meet Wilson and Mr. Hinkles. These are two pups we met while out and about in one of the fields. Lane thought they were hilarious. We played with them for a while and even got a little smile out of the babe.

Eventually, Lane's stroller got filled with goods and he got sleepy. So, Pops carried him for a while.

By the end of the day, he was zonked out in the sling. Time to go back to the room. More treasure hunting on Thursday.
When Lane woke from his nap that night, Pops was gone making a pick up, so I decided to try to get some pics of him at our hotel. We stayed in the little New England town of Sturbridge. The hotel is located on a lake and is surrounded by old buildings.
I really wanted to get some photos of Lane with the wind blowing and the leaves already changing color. He was dressed in his blue jean jacket that he has had since before birth. It finally fits him and the Massachusetts air was just right for the wearing.

As you can see, my little guy was really under the weather. He just did not feel well at all Wednesday. I tried to get a few good pics.

Look at those cheeks all puffy from those darn teeth. You can even see all the drool. We thought for sure we would be coming home with lots of treasures and at least one new tooth.

I tried to get a smile for our typical mama and hoo poses.

No luck.

Then, when I got this, "Dear God, why me?" pose, we called it quits for the night.
We had another day of treasure hunting ahead of us.
And tomorrow, you will have another post filled with photos from the show.