This is my son Evan. I think he is gorgeous - and delicious. He's got some chubby, chubby cheeks, which are perfect for kissing. Everyone who knows him thinks so.

Sometimes, Evan will wake up from his afternoon nap just a little early. On those days, he gets his mama all to himself because his older brother is still sleeping.
With him all to myself, we hang out upstairs and smile, coo and sing to each other. Then, I make him have the dreaded tummy time.
Usually, I'll take hundreds of pictures of him. And even though they all look the same, I always take more.

After about ten minutes of tummy time, Evan will start to get fussy. He's either tired or hungry from all that work.
Usually, he's hungry.
This is my son Evan, and as you can tell, he likes to eat.
And I like to dress him in stripes.