I can remember the day I took that photo. I placed my six-month old babe in the corner of the couch, put that hat on his head and snapped away. When I was finished, I had this.
One of the cutest pictures I'd ever seen. I posted it on this here blog with a note to my friend Lanna to have a happy birthday.
Here's one of the great things about having two boys born in the same season - recycling clothes. With each little onesie, pajama and shirt pulled from the boxes for Evan to wear comes all the memories of Lane wearing that same piece.
Last week, with the weather warming up a bit and our chunky little monkey quickly outgrowing the three to six month old clothes, I thought I'd try this little short outfit on - just for giggles.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any cuter, up on the couch climbed Lane, who asked to have his picture taken with his brudders.
Can it get any cuter than this?
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