More than three weeks ago, my dad left for a long trip. As a truck-driving family, we're accustomed to him being gone for long periods of time. This trip, however, was a little different. Headed to Canada, dad couldn't talk on the phone once he crossed the border.
We went three weeks without talking. My mom constantly reminded us that every phone call cost 60 cents a minute. So, don't call your dad.
(Okay, I admit. I called him once. The Friday we had our 13 week ultrasound, I gave him a call to let him know all was well. We talked for less than 60 seconds.)
My dad took a big technology step while he was gone and learned to text. To keep him updated, I would take pictures of Lane each day and send them his way.
Last week, I called my brother late one morning.
"I must miss dad," I told him.
"I bought Lane a Grateful Dead t-shirt this morning while we were shopping," I replied.
When papa got home, he told Lane, "Cool shirt, man. Where did you get it. I think mama should go back and get one for you in every size."
It is not any thing I would ever wear. It sticks out like a sore thumb in his t-shirt drawer. But, he looks so cute in it, I couldn't help but put him in it again this week.
And with that overdue for a haircut style Lane is sporting - he looks like a true Dead Head.
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