Today, I am 16 weeks pregnant. Four full months. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by us.
Sometimes, I'll go all day long and not even think about being pregnant. I'm way too busy.
The only time I'm reminded is when I see the bump. I was warned it would show up a lot sooner the second time around but I was not prepared.
It is definitely there.
While we were pregnant with Lane, Papa would take my picture every few weeks - starting at 16 weeks. Then, around 29 weeks - when things really started moving - he would take my picture each week.
I'll try to remember to do that this time around.
Like I said, Lane keeps us way too busy to event think about being pregnant.
Because I did not feel well for the first 13 weeks, and had no desire to consume food, I actually lost weight. So, no weight gain yet. Just what Papa says looks like a beer gut. Stef says it looks like I ate a cheeseburger.
It is a bump. Believe me.
This time around, I know what to expect. I can't wait to feel my babe move. I loved that part of pregnancy with Lane.
I'm looking forward to it with new baby, which we have named Bro Bro.
And for everyone who has asked if Lane is excited about becoming a big brother - he has no idea. We are not even trying to explain this one to him.
We did teach him to give bro bro (my belly) a kiss. He will come up to me, say bro bro, pull up my shirt and plant a kiss right on my belly. It will make your heart melt.
He's also kissed my knee and said bro bro.
And, your final question answered, obviously we think we are having a boy. We'd be thrilled with a girl. Over the moon. We'd feel the same way with a boy. Two boys. 25 months apart. How perfect. Or a boy and a girl. How perfect.
We will know for sure in just a few short weeks.
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