Friday, March 6, 2009

Day Dreaming

Today's warm weather brought my favorite skirt out from the closet.
To celebrate, Lane and I loaded up the stroller and hit the neighborhood for a walk.

Upon our arrival home, we were greeted by papa and bbq sandwiches made from last night's leftover porkchops -delish. (Pictures were not made because sandwiches were consumed instantly.)

The sun continued to shine, so we headed out to the back deck to play.
This is what we had dreamed of. Last summer, knowing our boy was on his way, James and I spent many hours on our new back deck talking about our future: what life would be like with a son, how we would spend days playing on our deck and evenings eating dinner as a family there.

Today, we played. Eventually, the boy got hungry, and we headed in to nurse. Upstairs, in our room, we closed the blinds and laid down. We both fell asleep - and I dreamed. When I woke up, Lane was next to me sleeping peacefully with a sliver of sun across his face. I took a few minutes to watch him.

With Lane, my day dreams are just so beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Lana- You are such a great Mom! This blog is awesome and the pictures are great. Lane is such a cutie pie! xoxo
