My Mom mom, my father's mother, always told me never to make a promise you were not willing to keep. She had a good reason for this philosophy - a promise she made changed her life forever and resulted in one of the most beautiful love stories I have ever heard.
So, I am sorry. I should not have promised to post funny moments. The days flew by, and I am just now getting back to the computer.
Wednesday night, The Who did not go to bed until 11:30 - no blogging for me.
Thursday night, Lane and I had dinner with our friends Frances and Tara.
Lane was not feeling well yesterday afternoon. He must have had a belly ache because he would not take a bottle for his Grand moms during the day; would not nurse for me in the afternoon; and would not take the bottle in the evening while we were at dinner. He did nurse for quite a long time when we got home last night. So, as Lane would say, "He's GOOOOOOOD.
Without further ado, I present to you:
Lane and Lana's Funniest Moments from Ricky and Kirsten's Wedding
1. Seamus' love for the el-e-vator. This darling little boy must have asked everyone at the wedding, "Hey, do you want to ride the el-e-vator." He had us all laughing. Good thing he has such an awesome grandma. My mom's cousin Cathy must have ridden the elevator 1,000 times last weekend.
2. Waking up Sunday morning, heading down the hallway to get some breakfast, and hearing a little boy voice in the lobby, "Hey, do you want to ride the el-e-vator." Paul, Seamus' grandpa, said he was awaken at 7 am to Seamus sitting up in bed and saying - can you guess - "Hey, do you want to ride the el-e-vator?"
3. Kirsten's godfather singing and dancing. I didn't get to meet him but I hope to one day. He seems to have such a love for life. He danced all night long but the best part was when he danced to that Ludicrious Freak in the Bed song - and sang all the words. He was even walking around to different tables and rapping to guests who were not dancing. Kirsten, you are a lucky girl to have him.
4. My cousin Ricky leading a train around the reception hall to the song "Come on Ride That Train." The DJ requested that every person there be part of the train by the end of the song - and almost everyone was. We were all laughing so hard.
5. And the best part of the night, Cousin Cathy catching Uncle Mole in the ladies restroom. And then coming back to the wedding reception and telling the ENTIRE family about it. You would see her leaning into someone's ear then looking over at Uncle Mole and then sharing a big laugh with whomever she was telling the story to. Uncle Mole didn't mind. He took it like a man.
Now, one day I will tell you all about the promise my Mom mom made that changed her life. But, I am not going to promise to tell it today or even tomorrow. It is the first day of spring, and I have a little boy who deserves some outside time after a yucky day yesterday.
Can I make it up to you though? OK. Here are some pictures from this week.
Happy Friday and First Day of Spring.
Lana and Lane