Somehow, these pictures got lost in the shuffle. A few weekends ago, we took the babes to the fair. The gates were open for free entrance and all kids got to ride for free from 10 to 11 am. So we figured, what the heck.
My mom was on our side of town because she spent the night on Friday night so James and I could go out on a date and she could spend some quality time with the boys.
We got to the fair bright and early and rode a grand total of ONE ride. The merry go round.
Lane wasn't really interested in any of the other rides.

He did, however, enjoy a hot dog as an after breakfast/before lunch treat.

James looked forward to one thing about the fair - fair food. He ate plenty of it.

Lane did enjoy this game: throwing a baseball. Shocking.
We spent most of our time in the petting zoo. Lane and I posed with a cow for a picture - and she decided to take a break from eating her hay to eat my hair.

Priceless. I'm so glad these pictures were caught so my face can be forever remembered at this moment.

We ended our day by meeting up with some friends - and Lane had fun playing with his pals.
Evan added one more place to add to his list of loud, busy places he's napped.

We only though it appropriate to take a family picture right in front of the jumbo hotdog/cheesy nachos stand.

Suits this family, right?
cute cute cute cute family. i love the last picture!