I have not officially compiled a Fall Fun list, but Papa and I did mentally make a note of all the fun activities we want to do with the boys in the next month or two. With pumpkin patch being highest on the list, my second to do was take the boys to Stone Mountain for Country Living magazine's fair.
I love Country Living magazine. Every month, I take the new issue, go in my room, flip through it cover to cover, look at all the pictures, then take my time reading each article through the month. I have a binder full of pulled pages with decorating ideas, recipes and coveted items.
Last year, the magazine hosted its first ever fair at Stone Mountain. I wanted to go so bad but I was pregnant and sick and had a sick kid. So, I missed it.
This year, I was going. And, I did. The boys and I met my mom and enjoyed a fun day at the fair.

This pumpkin patch was Lane's favorite part. He loved all the different colors and shapes and textures of the pumpkins. I was pretty sure he was going to pull a pumpkin out - and bam, my kid was going to be the cause of that pumpkin tower crashing down.

Thankfully, that never happened.

I tried my best to get some pictures of my two boys with the pumpkins. I'm pretty pleased with the few I got.

I like these outtakes too. And, I kind of hope Lane will always want to wear red Converse. Really, I love his little feet in those shoes.

In addition to playing at the patch, we ate a bunch of fair food; looked at a lot of really cool treasures; chatted with some interesting people and had a lot of fun. Oh, and walked a lot.

My mom got Lane a really cool recycled journal made from an old Grover book. He enjoyed writing in it while being strolled around. And, surprise, surprise, Evan added yet one more place to his list of loud, busy places he has now napped.
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