If I had to describe my youngest child in one word, I'd say happy. He's got a beautiful smile and is almost always sporting it.
He gets attention every where he goes - flashing his smile and flirting with anyone who will flirt back. I sometimes worry he takes too much of the spotlight from his older brother. Then I realize that my boys, as much as they resemble each other, have two totally different personalities. While Evan loves to soak up attention, Lane has always preferred a quiet, more intimate, social setting.
Not this guy, he loves to be out and about. He's happiest when we are not at home. Last month, unfortunately, he had to spend a little too much time at home, as both boys came down with pretty nasty colds.
Now that he's feeling better, Evan's showing us a whole new side of his very active, very vocal self.
He's a talker. A phone talker that is. He's obsessed with phones and will whine and yell until whoever is actually talking on their phone hands it over to him so he can talk to. This can create a problem when his papa is at home on work calls. If it happens to be a friend or family member on the phone, Evan is happy to listen to his loved one talk to him while he flashes a smile and occasionally talks back.
If there isn't an actual person on the phone, that is alright too. He knows exactly how to hold the phone and will just have a conversation all on his own. Oh, and if there isn't an actual phone, he'll find something that will work - his hand, one of Lane's cars, the remote control.
The remote. He's obsessed with that too. Don't be shocked if you are at our house, happily watching 60 Minutes only to find the TV flipping channels. It is not a ghost. It is Evan with the remote again.
When he isn't talking on a phone or using the remote, he's playing. He doesn't really have a favorite toy - he has made up a few of his own games. He loves to play chase. You can chase him or he can chase you, just be warned he crawls fast. Speaking of crawling, he has this funny little habit of always having something in one hand while he crawls - a toy car, a wash cloth, a piece of paper. He'll use his found object as an anchor of sorts and push it along with him as he moves around the house.
Bath time time has become a lot more enjoyable now that Evan actually enjoys cleaning himself. One night, something changed, and now our babe loves getting a bath. He moves around the entire time, playing with toys, splashing water, and his favorite, watching and talking to that adorable baby reflected in the water faucet.
I don't know what to tell you about his diet. He eats. A lot. Baby food is totally out. He loves chicken and rice, meat loaf and hamburger. He gets his own slice of pizza and his own Happy Meal now.
I could go on and on about this baby. How he is the spitting image of his papa. How he still doesn't have a lick of hair on his head. How he can now sip his water from a straw. How we swear he says his own name when referring to himself - and to his brother. How he waves good-bye, always a few seconds short of the person leaving to see. How he is such a great sleeper - still naps any where and sleeps a full 11 to 12 hours each night. How he's just so big - wearing 12 and 18 month clothing.
Most of all, I'll tell you that we just adore him and everything he's brought to our family.
I do believe I'm addicted to sweet baby boys. I've got two of the sweetest boys ever made - and if they keep growing up so quickly, they are going to make me want just one more.