When researching outdoor movies, I ran in to a few obstacles. Outdoor movies take place in the middle of summer. The middle of summer in Georgia is hot. HOT hot. I don't do hot - especially sitting outside for more than two hours hot. Also, outdoor movies can't start until the sun sets and the sky gets dark. My kids go to bed before the sun sets - and I'm for sure not keeping them up late enough to see an entire movie.
So, I began to look for other options. Eventually, I found something that both myself and my babe could enjoy.
A morning showing of the Curious George movie playing at a historic theatre in downtown Marietta. Score.
We marked it on our calendar, invited the Besties and looked forward to this morning for weeks.
We left Gooey with Val so he could enjoy some peace and quiet and sleep for an entire three hours.
We underestimated the power of George. The babes snacked on popcorn and M&M's, and we even let them sip on Coca-Cola beverages. They sang out in amazement when their favorite monkey appeared on the screen, laughed at all the right parts and clapped when it was over.
For an hour and 15 minutes each of them sat still and watched the movie. (With a quick exit in the middle for a potty break! There was a lot of Coca-Cola drinking going on.)
All in all, an awesome way to spend a Wednesday morning with the kiddos and a great way to beat the heat of a Georgia summer.
I'm making a mental note to add this to our to do list for next summer and just scratch the whole outdoor movie thing.
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