Maybe if there were more than just two years and 19 days between his birthday and his brother's.
But, he's a boy. A boy born just 24 months after his older brother.
We try not to do much comparing. That's easy because our two boys have two totally different personalities.
However, Evan does wears a lot of hand-me-downs. He sleeps in a room painted and decorated for his older brother. He sips water from bottles and eats food from spoons purchased just two years ago.
He even plays with toys that have already been loved by an older sibling.
Look who came out of retirement at the height of the teething extravaganza.
Our beloved Bla Bla bird.
His bell doesn't ding nearly as loud as it used to. His knit coat isn't nearly as tight. His hat looks a little worn.
Yet, he does the job. So we are sticking with what works and letting that bird float around our house a little while longer.
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