I'm so happy she's here. There's just so many wonderful things about you.
Sunflowers and large ripe tomatoes. The last of the summer peaches. Cool weather in the mornings and evenings and warm sunshine in the afternoon.
September, you take the best of the fall and the best of the summer and bring it all together for one glorious month.
I'm really looking forward to you - and your preceding months - this year.
Fall brings a rapidly expanding baby bump with little kicks reminding us soon we will be four. Fall brings birthdays. Papa in September, Mama in November, Lane in December and our baby Bird in January. Well, it looks like we need an October. One more reason why we shouldn't stop with two, Papa.
Fall takes us back to the playground, where we've already been two times this week.
Fall brings pumpkin patches, costumes, candy and warm meals.
There's just so much to look forward to, and while I'll be sad to see summer go, I know in my heart and soul it has been one of the best summers of my life.
That babe of ours has such a love for life - and he doesn't know any better. If there's a peach for picking, he'll take it. Even if it is part of mama's photo.
He could be an advertisement for our little Main Street Market. Riding around in his stroller, taking big bites of his favorite fruit, sucking its juices while they dribble down his chin and onto his shirt.
Sucking all the goodness out of life. Like playing for hours in the backyard with his short hair. Or eating his breakfast on the back deck - covered in dirt while still wearing his pjs - because its 9 am and we've already been outside for an hour.
That's the goodness he brings to our home.
He's fallen in love with baseball this summer. He's seen the beach. He's started to pee pee in the potty. He's the unofficial life guard at our pool - yelling "Swim Break" as soon as the water fades from the mushroom and the real life guard blows the whistle.
Our snuggles on the couch and our nightly ritual before bed. It's changed. Gone went the rocking this summer. He kisses papa goodnight. Tells him he loves him. Walks himself to the hall, where he calls out to his dogs, "Night, night Mae Mae. Night, night Mar. Ove ou."
Then, in his bedroom, I lift him up, ask for a kiss and a quick snuggle, remind him that he's the best thing that every happened to me. Then, he begins to wiggle for his mattress. I place him on his bed, cover his tired little body and remind him to have peaceful slumbers.
Preschool, more playdates, story time at the library, outdoor adventures, trips to Red Top Mountain.
Papa and I even plan on taking him to his first baseball game before the weather gets too cool and the season ends.
Ahh September. I'm so happy you are here - and I get to share you with my two loves.
This is SO sweet!! Ove you Lane T!