I thought a trip to the mailbox would make Lane happy this afternoon. It did. Then, when we got inside, he cried to go back out. I did not want to. I wanted to stay inside. Snuggle on the couch. Read a magazine or watch some more reality (trash) TV.
As I was getting frazzled with Lane's cries, a voice inside of me told me to put on some shoes and go outside and play - play with your baby. You will both feel better.
So we did. We played with the shorthair. We played with sticks. We played with rocks. We kissed in the sun. We laughed. We both felt better.
When we came inside, Lane showed me his gratitude by falling asleep on my chest. Something he never does any more but I love so much. He let me hold him tight and snuggle him close. I got to hear his breath while he slept and stare at his perfect nose and chubby cheeks.
I realized how lucky I am to have this babe. To take care of him every day. To prepare his meals. To change his diapers. To watch him learn. To hear him laugh. To clean up his messes. To kiss him. To hug him. To call him mine.
To be here for him when he needs me.
I needed a reminder - I'm sure I will need many more throughout my life - that motherhood is the most rewarding responsibility I have ever been given.
But that is just what it is - a gift - and I am so, so thankful for it.

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