Apparently, there's this secret kind of bond between moms who have two or more boys.
Now I'm not writing this post to discriminate against moms who have girls or girls and boys or a girl and a boy. I think all mamas are lucky.
Believe me - because there was a time when I all could think about was becoming a mama. I didn't care about boy or girl. I just wanted a child of my own to love.
But, as my dad always says when referring to pregnancy and gender, you get what you get.
I got boys.
And I couldn't be happier.
If the other mama happens to have boys who are 24 months or less apart, the connection is even stronger.
It is as if we know each others' ins and outs and understand all the pieces that make up being a mama to just boys.
Don't even get me started on the moms to three boys. Those ladies wear invisible badges of honor. I know a few of them, and quite honestly, I'm jealous.

So I did what any mama does in a time of crisis. I googled.
Sure enough, there's a club, or rather a store, just for us.
I'm in love.
All kinds of products boasting our status as boy moms.

Sure, they are rough and dirty. They make messes constantly. My house is never quiet - even at night these kids find ways to make noise.
I am surrounded by a melody of toots and burps - and laughter following those toots and burps.
I now am a baseball fan, know every single Monster Jam ever made, and play with football guys and army men constantly.
I'm learning about Nascar and the different styles of camo. I talk about dinosaurs and the intricate plot line of Cars 2 daily.
And I love all of it.
Don't ever let anyone tell you having a boy isn't wonderful. Because it is. I love to find unique ways to dress my boys. Boy shoes - so stinking cute. My boys can rock some Converse All Stars. Mixing camo with stripes. Love to do it. I've always got my eyes open for cowboy shirts and football jerseys for Lane.
Since this post seems to be going nowhere quickly, I'm going to end it now.
However, don't read too much into the picture below. PJs are a hand-me-down item in this house. Although ...... I sure would love to rock that invisible badge of honor one day.
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