Evan's got it made. Sure, most of his clothes and toys are hand-me-downs but there's also an upside to being the second born. For starters, his mama is more likely to let him get away with a little more than his older brother got away with at this age. This comes in handy at the park, where Evan's skipped right by the baby playground and plays along side his brother and his brother's friend on the big kid playground.
A few weeks ago, we offered Papa the opportunity to have a night at home alone and met our besties at the meet in the middle park on a nice warm Friday night. Evan entertained himself for a little while but it didn't take long for him to realize the big kids were having a lot more fun - and getting the camera's attention.
Never one to miss out on fun - or a photo opp - Evan decided he would join Lane and Andrea.

While he couldn't figure out how to get his little feet to climb as high as the three year olds, he did manage to find a way to have some fun and get his mama and Paola laughing.

As soon as Andrea and Lane realized what was going on, they encouraged the little guy to play as well.

Then, when that game was all over, they followed Evan to the swings and pushed him back and forth.
The little guy couldn't have been happier.
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