Right off the bat, James and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary with a fancy date night at the pool, including to-go sandwiches and our boys.

The babe taught himself how to sit up, which made life so much more interesting and easier for mama.
Our pool opened - and we were there almost every night. Evan followed right in his big brother's footsteps and fell in love with being in the water. I wasn't quite brave enough to take both boys to the pool by myself during the day. Lucky for me, our good friends, The Harrison girls, invited us to their pool quite often and Papa purchased a nice, big kiddie pool for the front yard. We set up shop in the driveway, and the boys and I spent quite a bit of time hanging out in the water.
We took our last trip to Monkey Joes, before falling in love with Catch Air this Fall, and Lane and Andrea had a little dinner date right on the floor.
Papa and I got really brave and took the boys, along with my parents, to Chicago for Father's Day weekend. Evan loved the city. Lane hated traveling. And, perhaps one of the few times he cracked a smile all weekend was when he got to ride Thomas. I did give him a great surprise when I returned home from a baseball game with that picture of me and Elmo.
The highlight of that month: Evan met Duck. Poor Duck doesn't look nearly that good any more. However, he is well loved.

Oh, and Evan continued to amaze us with his ability to sleep any where: the water park, a party for a two-year old and the pool.

I joined a new gym, where Evan napped every morning while 10 to 15 screaming toddlers played around him. We went to the pool A LOT. And, Evan continued to amaze everyone at the Deer Run pool with his amazing ability to sleep. (Yes, there is a baby under that blanket, towel and hat.)
Papa and I had a very special date with our baseball loving oldest boy at his very first Atlanta Brave's game.

All in all, August was an uneventful, yet productive, month considering Evan decided playing wasn't just for the big kids and Lane figured out the camera app on my phone.
Oh, and lots of peaches were consumed - by everyone.

We started a little donut love affair for our boys when we started visiting Dunkin Donuts every Friday morning. I don't think there were ever two boys who love donuts more than my two do.
They come by it honestly.

The four of us went to the beach in September: Lane loved the water and sand. Evan loved the food. Are you surprised?
This was also the month Lane perfected what we call kissie face game. I say, Lane show me kissie face. And he makes that model face for me. He also does angry face, sad face, scared face and yelling face - to name just a few.
We took Lane to see some baby alligators, which was perfect for September because that's the month he learned the crocodile song. Goes a little like row, row, row your boat. Just ask him to sing it for you.
Finally, we rounded out our month with a big trip to Dixie Speedway to see some Monster Jams. However, before our Saturday night show, we sweet talked our way in on Friday night to have just a quick peek at the big guys.

We played outside a lot. Went on an ice cream date with our best friend. Discovered Catch Air. Tub time became fun for Evan. Oh, and there was that little battle with Lane's yucky allergies in October. The boys got sick for a week or so but we didn't let that get us down.
October was the beginning of big, bald, baby head in adorable hats - and I haven't stopped covering Evan's head in one since. He looks so cute. It is also the month Papa heads down to deer camp for the first time of the year - and I spoiled my boys that weekend with a late night trip to Dunkin.
Most importantly, it is the month Lane bought his first pair of cowboy boots.

In November, we started partying, and I don't think we have stopped since. The weather was awesome. The boys were healthy. We were busy.
Life was good.

We went to Catch Air. We found that old truck that Lane named Rusty. We stayed in our pjs until late in the morning and played at home.
Lane got the cute pig cupcake at Bub B Q one afternoon, and apparently, I forgot to feed Evan one morning because he decided to eat his toes while waiting for Lane in the pick-up line at school.
I celebrated an awesome birthday - the boys got me a vintage gumball machine - and again, I watched my boys grow.
The most special moment, which I'm so glad I caught, the morning Lane talked Evan in to going down the slide. He patiently waited for him at the bottom. He gently coaxed him in to coming down. He encouraged him with sweet words. He cheered for him when he finally did it.
My cup runneth over.

In our last month of the year, we patiently waited each day for our deer friends to arrive in our yard for their evening snacks. One afternoon, as we watched two deer for more than 20 minutes, I caught this picture of Lane hugging Evan - as he told him, "Be quiet Evan. Don't yell. You will scare the deer."
Favorite photo ever.

Evan continued to grow and grow - and charm us with his ways. Much to my dislike, he decided to start taking a few steps and one morning I found him happily cruising around the gym. (He no longer naps there. He must be part of the action now.)
We played at Catch Air and spent lots of time in our pjs playing at the house.
Lane had his Christmas party at school. I left Evan with James so I could have some alone time with my oldest boy, which apparently was not the thing to do. The two of us had fun at the party but as soon as we got in the car, Lane asked, "Hey, where Evan?"
I think the little guy is starting to grow on him.
We wore our rainboots and splashed in puddles.
We celebrated Evan's birthday and then Christmas.
Lane received a postcard in the mail all the way from Germany.
And, most importantly, Lane got football guys.
Our little family ended the year together at home - letting off fireworks, jumping on the couch and loving on each other.
What an amazing year it was.
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