About our sweet Giggie Baby.
He's 13 months old now.

The few pieces of 18 to 24 month clothing I had to buy for him are starting to fit snug.
(Remember, his older brother wore our already purchased 18 to 24 month clothes in the summer and fall.)
So, we had to pull out the box of 24 month clothing, which puts us right back in to winter - considering Lane just wore those things one year ago.
(Yes, I kind of feel cheated. It has not been six months since I packed all those clothes away.)

He loves, loves, loves to ride around in Lane's Gator. Without a seatbelt to hold him in in the passenger seat, we decided the back is the safest spot for him.

He will ride around with that content look on his face for as long as Lane will drive.

He's starting making that goofy face, just like his brother did at one year old, whenever he is happy or excited or just being silly.

Silly he is. He loves to get himself in goofy situations and make us laugh.

Once we start laughing, he'll continue to ham it up just for more giggles.

Which in turn makes his older brother just a little, strike that, a lot jealous.
That's okay. He's super cute too.

He loves my mom. Loves her. This is him watching her out the window a few weeks ago. She was coming over to watch him while we took Lane to see Monster Jams. He saw her car out the window and stood at the door watching her until she got in the house.
The next morning, when she left, he did the same thing.

He recently discovered Lane's old peg game. Mastering it in a few days. He can shake the pegs out of the holder then place them back in the holes.

It appears as if he will be a righty.

He's earned a new nickname. Giggie the Destroyer - due to his love of letting Lane set up a row of cars, or line of Monster Jams, or field of Football Guys, or his entire Memory game and then pounding his way in to whatever Lane is playing with and destroying it.
Which in turns leads to a lot of the above.
He's learned to fight back.

Although he doesn't usually win.
So, there's been lots of kissing and making up going on.
And in the biggest and best news of the last few months ......

He walks now.

Started taking a few steps here and there about two weeks ago. Last weekend, with plenty of one-on-one time with Papa at home, he built up the confidence to start cruising.
He turns corners. Walks from one room to the next. Follows Lane around constantly.
Most of all, looks so darn cute.