We don't find ourselves at home alone a lot. Lane and I prefer to fill our days with friends and fun activities. However, I've come to appreciate the rare days when we can fill hours and hours with just the two of us.
The pool? Yes. My mom purchased a seven dollar kiddie pool from Dollar General last year that served us proud as a ball pit this winter. With the balls sent away, the pool has been sitting empty in the play room.
I thought it time to introduce the pool to its new home. And, to introduce Lane to the fun he could have with it in his own backyard.
Everything about this activity screams Lane.
He's (almost) naked. He's outside. He's playing with water.
The kid could not have been happier.
The activity proved a success for everyone. I enjoyed feeling the sun's rays on my skin as I watched my babe play. The pups enjoyed lounging in the grass.
I could not help but capture a camera card full of shots of him playing.
Here's the shot I didn't catch.
My babe backed his little body up to mine and began to munch on his treats. With his buns pressed against my thigh, I had a perfect view of the back of his head.
We sat in silence and enjoyed the sun. Then, he turned to me and showed me the sign for love.
I'm not exactly sure how I felt at that moment. I think I felt as if the sun was only shining in my backyard. I think I felt its rays soak beyond my skin - in to my heart and my soul.
I think I felt gratified as a mama.
I think I felt justified in all the decisions I make regarding my son.
Lane has been saying the words "love you" for a few weeks now. He comprehends that the phrase is usually accompanied by someone's departure or when he goes to bed.
As soon as Papa puts his belt on in the morning, Lane understands he is leaving.
"Bye, bye. Love you," he will tell Papa. Or, sometimes, a waiter, clerk or other total stranger will be lucky enough to receive some of Lane's love when we leave an establishment.
Just a few days ago, I showed him the signs for I Love You.
This week, before he goes to bed, I look him in the face and speak each word as I perform the sign. His request for me to do it more and more leads me to believe he enjoys seeing me show my affection as well as hearing me profess my affection for him.
Yesterday, I think I felt proud. Proud of myself for the things I am able to teach my son.
Proud of my son, who is able to understand and feel the love that comes on a sunny spring day when it is just the two of us in the back yard.
When Lane showed me his love, I know I felt complete.
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