A few nights ago, Papa decided to pull out the paints I purchased and some plotting paper as Lane's evening activity. Together, the two of them covered their canvas with their own unique creation.
As they entertained themselves on the back deck, I could hear Papa name off each color to Lane and praise him on his excellent ability to carefully place the paintbrush into paint and then slide it on paper.

By the time my kitchen duties were complete, Lane's patience with painting with one color at a time was done as well. We offered him the opportunity to take one container of paint and do with it as he pleased.
He chose orange. And then we decided to let him be in charge.
He covered the plate with orange paint. He covered his canvas with orange paint. He covered himself with orange paint.

Then he covered his papa and his short hair. With all the laughter and fun outside, Marley could not help but be woken from her indoor slumber. She decided to join us too. And then she was promptly covered in paint by papa and given her Indian name ....

Marley Three Stripes

and Little Orange legs.

There's only one thing to do with a babe in this condition. Sprinkler. It was not as if he needed any coaxing to move his party down to the yard. So we left him bare butt and free to roam the waters.

Oh, and I just noticed a little sprinkle coming from a different direction. Funny, I caught that with the camera.

We let him roam wild until papa decided a babe should not have to wear a shirt while playing in the sprinkler in his own backyard. So, we stripped him down to his nudie suit.

And there's my dad. When he's hard at work and deep in concentration, the tongue comes out and no one can get in his way. He's passed it down to my babe. Papa calls it Lee N A.

And I'm awfully proud to say my son is a whole lot of his papa mixed with a bit of his Pops.

Even if Pops is going to totally disapprove of these photos of our babe in his nudie suit.
ReplyDeleteYou just gave me a good belly laugh with your zest for adventure and desire to paint everyone and every animal! How did your Mama manage to stay paint free? :) Your pups must love you SO much to let you paint them, too! It looks like a lot of fun. Sprinklers are much more fun than baths :) Go give Mama an orange paint hug for me! ;)